EUP Debate: Mojahedin-e Khaq (MEK) threat in Albania

The office of Ana Gomes MEP,

10th April, 16H30 to 18H


Vabba Vannuccini. Journalist of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica

Nicola Pedde, Rome based Institute for Global Studies

Olsi Jazexhi, Director of the Free Media Institute in Tirana

Migena Balla, Lawyer B&B Stutio Legale in Tirana

Anne Khodabandeh, Open Minds, De-Radicalisation Consultant.

Hosted by: Anna Gomes MEP & Particia Lalonde MEP

MEP Ana Gomes and MEP Patricia Lalonde would like to invite you to attend their event: “Mojahedin-E Khalq (MEK) threat in Albania” on April 10th, from 16h30 to 18h.

This event will take place at the European Parliament, in room A3H-1.

If you wish to attend, we would kindly ask you to provide the following information if an accreditation to the European Parliament is needed:

First name:

Last name:

Date of Birth:


ID Card or Passport number:

Type of identification document (if it is ID or Passport):

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