Funny Figures!

The author of "Neither Living Nor Death" Mr. Iraj Mesdaghi, who was criticized by the MKO because of revealing the lies of this group, has recently exposed one of hundreds of lies by the MKO.

Mr. Mesdaghi, expressing his astonishment over MKO reports, has asked this group’s websites to be more careful when publishing fabrications.

Mesdaghi is particularly pointing to an article by MKO on Seyed Mohammed Khatami’s visit to US. This article, signed by a "Nargess" and published on MKO websites, was titled: "When mullah Mohammed Khatami pushed his foot into my mouth in the presence of Torture Investigation Council in Evin Prision"!

Mesdaghi relies on documents to prove that the article is wholly false and that Khatami was not a member of that council at that time.

However, what Mesdaghi ignores or intentionally wants to hide is the fact that even those who are familiar with MKO’s dirty propaganda (like Mr. Mesdaghi himself) don’t dare to work against MKO’s lying machine, created and used for 27 years by Rajavi.

The biggest lie made by Rajavi, confirmed by the betrayal silence of many, is related to the figures presented by Rajaiv. He claimed that 120000 MKO members had been executed. He also said that the MKO had 30000 prisoners in 1988. MKO has been able to fix this in the minds of many people.

Once someone said: "I wonder why all MKO female members arrested by the regime are pregnant and have to abort?" This is because the lie has been repeated by the MKO. This has even been said about unmarried girls!

Everyone in Evin prison knows well that Mojgan Homayoonfar lost her leg in a car accident, but the gang of Rajavi used this in the UN to prove that there was torture in the Iranian prisons!

When the MKO reports astronomical statistics of a border operation (opening fire on empty trenches, their funny figures on torture and prisons in Iran shouldn’t be surprising since this organization is totally based on deceiving its members and fears from facing the reality.

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