The authorities of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO, MEK, the PMOI, the Cult of Rajavi) intimidate those who left the group in Tirana.

The MKO authorities have bought some van cars in order to patrol in the locations where the defectors live in Tirana, one of the defectors of the group stated in a post on Sahar Family Foundation.
According to the report, one of the insiders of the group asserts that each van has certain passengers who leave the group’s camp in the morning and get back at night on a regular schedule.
Defectors who see the vans in their neighborhood are concerned about their lives. They guess that the suspected passengers of the vans seek to pursue the defectors getting information about their activities.
These survivors of the cult of Rajavi have the evidences of the group’s pervious violent acts against the defectors. The group’s agents had attacked them abusing them verbally and physically.
The writer of the post on SFF asks the Albanian government and the UNHCR to supervise the MKO preventing it from intimidating its former members.