Semiology of another defeat

Mojahedin Khalq-run TV station in its regular “direct contact” program on the first October rotated around Iran’s nuclear program as it has been during the past few years. Unlike the previous programs analyzing the nuclear subject talking from a firm position, this latest show revealed the organization’s desperate position. Yazdan Haj-Hamzeh, a senior member of the National Council of Resistance, tried to unveil a further comprehension of the talks taking place between Javier Solana and Ali Larijani and to warn the West that the current negotiations would solve none of the West and the US’s problems in respect to the threat of Iran’s nuclear weapons that could put the security in the region and the world in jeopardy. But the potential threat he was referring to had nothing to do with Iran’s nuclear activities; the threat was the existence of the Islamic Republic itself and an unconditional overthrow of the regime was the sole solution to thwart the threat.

During the past few years Mojahedin have employed all their political might to magnify Iran’s nuclear threat to lead on their power struggle to be entrusted the legitimacy of an alternative. As political bankrupts, Mojahedin even lost their last residue of political legitimacy among other opposition who believed in them as ultimate hope. Mojahedin’s propaganda blitz to infuse that Iran did not have any peaceful intentions with its nuclear program was regarded to be a hanging halter tightening around Iran choking off the current rule. At the present, Iran’s talk with the West to find a peaceful solution to Iran’s nuclear program is so promising that Mojahedin took a new turn to annex a new dilemma; instability in the rejoin led by Iran. Haj-Hamzeh’s comments concerning this subject can be analyzed as follows.

1. Unlike before that Mojahedin showed aggressive position on the lead of any peaceful solution to Iran’s nuclear program, they show to be more lenient with the emphasis that a diplomatic solution would consequently jeopardize the stability and peace in the rejoin that would, of course, be threatening to the West and the US’s interests exclusively. Haj-Hamzeh suggests that the West has to be decisive if they intend to safeguard their interests and markets in the rejoin. He pays not the least attention to Iran’s nuclear threat and addressing the EU states:

In my opinion, the greatest interest for them [the EU] is that the Middle-East and, above all Iran, has to reach a relatively political stability that the regime [Iran] has troubled; otherwise they can do nothing in the current situation.

2. Haj-Hamzeh maybe for the first time in this TV program ties the issue of the nuclear activities and the West position to the destiny of Mojahedin emphasizing that any resolution can be decisive for Mojahedin:

We are entering serious phase. It is not a mere conflict between the foreigners and the regime. Our issue is also decided in this conflict.

Such a direct statement indicates Mojahedin’s serious condition, something they had never pointed before.

3. Being in a desperate situation, Mojahedin through Haj-Hamzeh announced their satisfaction over the sanction threats made by the EU and the UN Security Council against Iran. They suggest that the West be decisive at least on what they proposed as deterrent means:

At least, by imposing sanctions, prevent Iran’s procuring means to continue nuclear activities. We do not intend to go beyond our expectations to see them suffer loses in their interests. We hope they are observant of what they have signed.

4. Somewhere else, Haj-Hamzeh suggests Mojahedin’s cooperation with the West if they intended sanctions on Iran. In fact, Mojahedin are offering to take side with the West in their deal with Iran in the same way they acted in disclosing Iran’s secret nuclear activities:

A comprehensive sanction has its own plans to fulfill and we can, if they will, give more details on the issue.

5. Haj-Hamzeh at the closing minutes of the TV program and talking about the possible pressure that Iranian people might sustain following the imposition of sanctions said people had to inevitably pay the price if Mojahedin were possibly assume the power:

Ultimately, we intend to step into a big fight to settle it with the state that is nearing the side and naturally we have to pay for it.

The current process of negotiation between Iran and the European sides is rational and promising and Mojahedin never sit silent to watch it proceed smoothly. Manssour Qadr-Khah’s letter to President George Bush demanding to fulfill his threatening promises against Iran is only one of the many attempts. Out of the three plotted projects against Iran (terrorism, human rights and the nuclear file) to create serious international crises, the nuclear issue, having the top priority, has badly disappointed them. They have to find new solutions to prevent any failure in this project. Besides, all Mojahedin sympathizers, especially those situated in Iraq, are waiting to see the miracle the organization has promised to come out of the crisis of the nuclear file. How Mojahedin are to convince the reminder of the forces to wait longer to see the miracle happen is a trick of their own and the inter-organizational reactions play so serious a role in jeopardizing the group’s survival in future.

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