Iran: US has fallen in the direction of fantasies of MEK Terrorist cult

Descendants of ‘gun-toting cowhands’ insulting Iranian nation: Judiciary chief

TEHRAN – Denouncing U.S. President Donald Trump’s aggressive tone and actions against the Iranian nation, Judiciary chief said on Monday that those who are descended from “gun-toting cowhands” are insulting the great Iranian nation whose civilization dates back to thousands of years ago.

Hinting at insults by successive U.S. administrations to the Iranian nation, Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani said, “We have not forgotten how the new, amateur president of America insulted the Islamic Republic and the dear people of Iran by calling them a ‘terrorist nation’.”

“The biggest civilizations emerged in this territory,” he asserted.

He further said the U.S. is still trying in vain to break the “will” and “power” of the Iranian nation without regard to its past 40 years of failures. “Such wickedness is still ongoing in America’s governing body,” he continued.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Amoli Larijani pointed to the U.S. withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear agreement, saying exiting an international treaty is “indigestible” for every country, “but the U.S. does such thing through bullying.”

He also pointed to the impact of Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK), an anti-Iran terrorist group, on U.S. politicians, saying that with the help of the MKO the U.S. has been trying to disrupt the Iranian economy.

Trump’s new national security advisor John Bolton is in close contact with the MKO which has done numerous terrorist activities in Iran and joined Saddam Hussein’s army in the fight against Iran in the 1980s.

Amoli Larijani said the U.S. “has unfortunately fallen in this wrong direction by the illusions and fantasies of [such] terrorist groups.”

“Today, the advisors of the American government are linked with the most notorious and most evil terrorists in the world,” he said, adding that the MKO terrorists are moving the U.S. government in the wrong direction by raising their hopes of the collapse of the Islamic Republic.

The Judiciary chief also highlighted the importance of gaining “insight, unity and empathy” to foil the plots hatched by the country’s enemies.

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