Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 232

Iran Interlink Weekly Digest

++ Last week, MEK have forgotten all about Iran have been vigorously trying to support the Neocons; it’s all about Americans now. MEK is trying to support Nicky Halley and her support for Israel. Reactions against this in Iranian opposition Farsi outlets have been to universally condemn the MEK. Many refer to the Lobelog article ‘US Forces Albania To Take IS Fighters After Hosting MEK’ and say, ‘we Iranians do not accept MEK as an opposition, they are just terrorists in Albania – mercenaries for Israel and the Neocons’. Along with this there have been many open letters and articles against the 30th June carnival in Paris, condemning France for allowing this to take place. ‘The only beneficiaries are the Iranian hardliners’, they complain.

++ In Albania, MEK issue statements saying, ‘anyone who separates is an agent of Iran’s intelligence ministry’. Some who have recently left, and Saber from Tabriz, have written to say: ‘Nobody buys this. Your problems are in Albania. Nothing to do with Iran or anywhere else. This is a result of your treatment of the members.’

In English:

++ Anne and Massoud Khodabandeh wrote an article published by Lobelog warning that after Albania was forced to host the terrorist MEK, America has now ordered the country’s leaders to accept ISIS fighters returning to the Balkans.

++ Behnam Gharagozli, Jon Roozenbeek and Adrià Salvador Palau in The New Arab examine John Bolton’s links with the MEK, warning ‘John Bolton’s ties to Iranian MEK make him more lobbyist than statesman’.

++ Writing in Tsarizm in Albania, Kozeta Çika repeated the warnings about ISIS fighters being hosted in Tirana.

++ Iran Interlink published a section of John Bolton’s Public Financial Disclosure Report which reveals payments from MEK for lobbying for them. The piece ends “Let’s remind ourselves, John Bolton is now America’s National Security Advisor”.

++ Mint Press published a piece by Wayne Madsen, originally in Strategic Culture Foundation, titled ‘NATO’s Terrorist Bases in Europe’. Madsen begins: “NATO and the United States, which, together, claim to be fighting some sort of amorphous “global war on terrorism,” have enabled a terrorist group to establish bases in two NATO member states – France and Albania – and one NATO protectorate, Kosovo. After evacuating forces of the anti-Iranian terrorist group Mojahedin-e-Khalq from their former bases in Iraq, the United States and NATO facilitated the group’s establishment of a well-guarded military base in Manez, Albania, near Tirana. In addition to hosting MEK members, NATO has convinced Albania to accept members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), who surrendered to Western special forces in Syria and Iraq.” Madsen describes MEK’s alliance with ISIS and funding from Israel’s Mossad and Saudi Arabia as well as high level political support in the Trump administration. The article concludes: “The Trump administration’s neocons, notably Bolton and Giuliani, are hell-bent on regime change in Iran. They are ramping up their terrorist army in the Balkans for such a future war.”

 June 15, 2018

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