No trust on the MEK

Revelations on US security advisors controversial incomes were a proof of how the US policy is manipulated by bribed politicians who are paid large amount of money for a five minute speech at the events organized by front groups of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization(the MKO/ the MEK/ the PMOI/ the Cult of Rajavi)

A few days ago, Washington Editor of Al Monitor, Julian Pecquet, tweeted “Revealed: @AmbJohnBolton ‘s speaking fees for last year’s#MEK / NCRI #Iran regime-change dinner in Paris: $40,000. The revealing tweet was confirmed by a tweet by NBC’s prominent journalist Richard Engel who had just published a documentary on the MKO background and its financial affairs with American high profiles.  Here tweeted “Finally we have a concrete figure for how much John Bolton was paid to speak at an MEK event last year – $40k acc to his financial disclosure. Thatwas just one of many appearances he’s made over the years, in support of theformer terrorist group that wants to take over #Iran.” [1]

The above mentioned figure was probably for only one year of lobbying for the MKO. Behnam Gharagozli, Jon Roozenbeek and Adrià SalvadorPalau of the New Arab exposed in a recent article that the speaking fees the MKO pays Bolton Mounts to bigger figures. They state, “Recently we have learned that Bolton’s dream might have come with a price tag: MEK expert Joanne Stocker asserts that the MEK likely paid Bolton at least $180k in “speaker fees”,making him more a lobbyist than a statesman.” [2]

The authors of this article suggest that the love affairs between the MKO and its sponsors bears no fruit because as Academics and policymakers state the MEK does not enjoy widespread support inside Iran. “Indeed, most Iranians who do not support the current clerical regime also vehemently oppose the MEK,” they write. [3]

Former CIA agent, Philip Giraldi also states about Bolton’s paid sponsorship for the group, “MEK is particularly hated by most Iranians and the repeated assertion that it is some kind of “Iranian democracy” alternative is ridiculous as the people in Iran would never accept it.” [4]

The New Arab correspondents consider the regime change agenda from another point of view. They regard it as a threat for the US national interests. “Not only would regime change in Iran potentially cost the United States trillions of dollars, tasking a group such as the MEK to carry out such a goal is downright foolish,” they assert. [5]

They even criticize the hypocrisy of the US government enquiring, “With such close ties to a cultish organization that the Department of State officially labelled as a terrorist organization for approximately 15 years, how could Bolton have possibly received a security clearance to work at such a high level in the White House?” [6]

They confirm that the MKO is neither reliable nor rational. “Even those who support regime change in Iran should be skeptical of Bolton’s ties with this group,” they write. ”Given the MEK’s constantly shifting ideology, its cultish behaviour, history of violence and support for actors like Saddam Hussein, it’s highly doubtful that such a result would serve American interests even if Bolton’s plans for regime change in Iran via the MEK were successful.” [7]

Noticing the role of the Saudis together with the US and Israel in supporting the MKO Giraldi warns about the dangers the MKO poses for the US national interests too. “Lost in all of the above is any conceivable American interest,” he warns. “It is difficult to even make the claim that Iran threatens the United States or any vital interest and the drive to decapitate the Mullahs, both literally and figuratively, really comes from Riyadh and TelAviv. And there is potential collateral damage where it really might matter as MEK cultists continues to sit and fester in a holding pattern maintained by Washington in the heart of Europe.” [8]

“Even if the Iranian public were to simply forget that this organisation supported its arch nemesis in an eight year war that killed hundreds of thousands of Iranians and caused hundreds of billions of dollars of damage to both sides, the United States and Israel would have no guarantee that the MEK would not revert back to its original anti-American and anti-Israeli ideology upon assuming power in Iran”, according to the New Arab. [9]

As the MKO has been frequently paralleled with the ISIS invarious analysis by scholars, journalists and experts, the writers of the NewArab assert, “The Middle East is a constant reminder that just because a group welcomes American support to achieve its objectives one day, does not mean that they will remain pro-American the next.” [10]

By: Mazda Parsi


[1] Iran-Interlink, John Bolton – defender of Zion, promoter of MEK terrorism – fees revealed, June, 13, 2018

[2] Gharagozli, Behnam & Roozenbeek, Jon & SalvadorPalau, Adria, John Bolton’s ties to Iranian MEK make him more lobbyist than statesman, The New Arab (,uk), June 8, 2018

[3] ibid

[4]Giraldi, Philip, Iran’s Mohajedeen e Khalq: MEK Money Sure Can’t Buy Love But it can buy a lot of politicians, Global Research, May31, 2018

[5] Gharagozli, Behnam & Roozen beek, Jon & SalvadorPalau, Adria, John Bolton’s ties to Iranian MEK make him more lobbyist than statesman, The New Arab (,uk), June 8, 2018

[6] ibid

[7] ibid

[8] ]Giraldi, Philip, Iran’s Mohajedeen e Khalq: MEK MoneySure Can’t Buy Love But it can buy a lot of politicians, Global Research, May31, 2018

[9] Gharagozli, Behnam & Roozenbeek, Jon & SalvadorPalau, Adria, John Bolton’s ties to Iranian MEK make him more lobbyist than statesman, The New Arab (,uk), June 8, 2018

[10] ibid

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