A Shameful Support of pro-Saddam Faction

Michael Carmichael, a British professional public affairs consultant, author and broadcaster, in a recently published article World War W, discusses the ridiculous decisions flowing from the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Rice administration to design, launch and wage World War W. The article further discusses that as the repercussions of a US attack on Iran could well be dire, they are trying a well-financed fifth column of support in Iran, the pro-Saddam faction of Mujaheddin-e-Khalq.

With a budget estimated in published accounts of circa eighty-five million dollars ($85,000,000) per year, the US State Department funds a covert pro-democracy movement inside Ahmadinejad’s Iran. This US-Iran project has been roundly criticized in the US and in the international media for its financial support of the Mujaheddin-e-Khalq (MEK)–an independent militia that has been labeled a terrorist organization for the past twelve years because of its overt links to Saddam Hussein. That dubious distinction does not prevent the MEK from finding warm support in the Republican-dominated Congress. While the right-wing extremists, Tom Tancredo (R-Colorado) and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Florida) are the most vocal supporters of the MEK, at least four more members of Congress have also voiced their support for the terrorist militia. Astonishingly and shamefully, three of them are Democrats. These Republican-leaning Democrats are: Edolphus Towns (D-NY); Gary Ackerman (D-NY) and Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas). In addition to these Republicrats, the rabid Republican right-winger Lincoln Diaz Balart of Florida is known to be a supporter of the pro-Saddam faction in Iran.

“The bureaucrat in charge of the vast budget for support of the MEK and other insurgents in Iran”, as he states, “is none other than Dick Cheney’s eldest daughter, Elizabeth Cheney”.

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