MKO’s substantial violence can not “ Free Iran”!

“Majid’s body was not the only thing that was buried in the flames of fire; our delusions and imaginations to build the utopia were burned and disappeared,” writes Mohamamd Mohammadi Gorgani, former member of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/ MEK/ PMOI/ the Cult of Rajavi).

Who was Majid? Majid Sharif Vaghefi one of the high ranking members of the early MKO circle was the first person who was physically eliminated by his comrades inside the group.

The mechanism of elimination of peers in the MKO has been going on until today. The most recent example of elimination project in the MKO was the mysterious disappearance of a member of the group in Albania that has once again drawn attention to this controversial group. Malek Sharaee, 47, originally from Khuzestan Province in Iran, was reportedly drowned in the Rrotull village irrigation water reservoir. After three days, divers have not found his body even though the water channel is only 3.5 meters deep.

Massoud Khodabandeh the Director of Middle East Strategy Consultants and former MKO member, presents a list of MKO victims who have been killed inside the group.

As a matter of fact, the armed struggle in the MKO was not only a violent strategy to omit the enemies of the group but also natural substance of the group that could not tolerate any kind of dissent.

Targets of the MKO included a large range: the shah of Iran because he was the arm of US Imperialism in Iran, US military personnel and contractors as capitalists, officials of the Islamic Republic as reactionary islamists, Iraqi Kurds and Shiites as Saddam’s enemies, Iranian nuclear scientists as Israel targets and the group’s own members.

The above-mentioned targets look so different in nature but they demonstrate one fact about the MKO: violence is the key to any problem.

Gorgani cites from Massoud Rajavi saying that we are the point of the arrow to evolution, so we should not be criticized.

Revising the group’s ideology is impossible according to Massoud Rajavi. An essential question: How can such an organization free Iran?

As its annual tradition, the MKO is supposed to hold the so-called grand gathering on June 30. The group’s propaganda labels the gathering as “Free Iran” claiming that it is a call for democratic change in Iran.

The group’s propaganda presents Maryam Rajavi’s “10 point plan for future Iran” as a proof to consider the MKO as the alternative for the Islamic Republic.

Regardless of the MKO’s terrorist activities against its external opponents, its violent reaction towards internal dissidents indicates that democracy is of no sense for the leaders of the group.

Those who are eliminated inside the MKO might be critics, opponents, problem makers or those who know too much. Imagining the MKO as the government ruling Iran, brings a disastrous image to the mind. In the MKO’s ideal society human beings are tools to achieve the leaders’ ambitions. Whenever the tools do not work according to the leaders’ pre-conditions, they should be deleted.

Maryam Rajavi’s ten point plan might look based on democracy and justice but nice words and pleasant phrases cannot cover dirty practices of the group during fifty and so years of its history.

Mazda Parsi

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