Meeting with Ms. Rachel Litman

Meeting with Ms. Rachel Litman a high ranking member of State Department’s Delegation

On Tuesday, October 9th, the representatives of Habilian Association in a meeting with Ms. Rachel Litman a high ranking member of DOS’s delegation, describing the terror issues in Iran, explained the objectives of the association and the activities done by that. During the meeting, Mr. Hashemi Nejad and Ms. Litman talked together.

Thanks for your time. As you know violence and terrorism is happening all over the world everyday. The terrorism of which our country is one of the victims. We are a group of families and children of those who have been killed by a criminal terrorist group “Mujahedin-e-Khalq- MEK. We have formed a group to demonstrate the dimension of MEK’s crimes and have collected a large number of documents and evidences on the assassinations made by MEK.

I’m glad to talk with you and I’m sorry for the terrorist events happened in your country killing the innocent people.

When your country along with Western countries came to Middle East with the goal of removing terrorism, it seemed that this disaster would be eradicated from the world. As a survivor of terrorism victims, I got happy of your country’s action, but unfortunately the action ended with dividing the terrorists and protecting them. According to the State Department’s report of 1994, the MEK has killed thousands of innocent people and you are surely informed that a few of them were from your country.

The group has been restricted and disarmed by US and they don’t have the right to operate and they are designated as a terrorist organization.

Do you claim that the group is under our protection?

The presence of MEK in Iraq while the Iraqi people and government detest them so much (because of their crimes against this country) is absolutely because of the US support of them in order to use them in future. This is the main reason for American support of MEK.

Does your country divide the terrorists into good and bad? Don’t you think that your dual behavior toward our father’s killers caused MKO to find a safe heaven and lobby in US congress and parliament freely? Why do the terrorists contact your representatives and congressmen so freely? How can you justify the support for such terrorist in a country that has designated them as terrorist?

The double standard of your country toward terrorism caused MEK members to contact Human Rights Council in the UNand even lobby that place.

I have the background and speeches made by them in support of terror and also the verdict issued by Interpol to arrest them that I will provide you with some other documents.

Do you want them to be tried? You mean they must be brought into trial in US or another country or by UN?

Our goal is to fight terrorism and terrorist thinking. We don’t want the other children like us miss their fathers due to the ambitions of some criminals who have killed our people and also their own members.

You should know that in order to achieve your goal, your presence in this meeting is effective. You should try to contact different people and groups describing your activities. Your country and what is happening in your country has the priority for us. Therefore we want the reflexes of your evidences and documents asking you to give information and documents to my government and send me in the future. I will surely transfer your documented evidences to concerned sources and I hope to be contacted with you in order to reflect any thing you give me.

Thanks for your favor. We will give you the documents we have brought and we will complete them in future through the contact way you put toward us.

At the end, some document, evidences and books on MEK presented to Ms. Litman.

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