A prominent law expert from Geneva’s Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies has urged the Ottawa government to launch an investigation into former senior Canadian officials’ connection with anti-Iran Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO).

“#Canada should seriously investigate the scope and nature of @stephenharper [Canada’s 22nd Prime Minister Stephen Harper] and @Baird’s [Former Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird] relationship with the #MEK [MKO] cult during their tenure as Prime and Foreign ministers,” Reza Nasri wrote on his Twitter account.
Harper attended the MKO gathering in Paris on Saturday. The event was addressed by Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani.
“@stephenharper also spoke at the event, which lets presume that his irrational hostile policies toward #Iran (namely the closure of embassies and the de-listing of #MEK from terror list) were not predicted upon #Canada’s national interests as claimed, but upon lobby influence,” he added.