Iran Rebukes Belgium, Finland

Iran Rebukes Belgium, Finland Over Terrorist MKO Leader’s Belgian Senate visit

Following an invitation extended to the president of the terrorist Mujaheddin Khalq Organization (MKO), Maryam Rajavi, to visit and speak before the Belgian Senate, the ambassadors of Belgium and Finland in Tehran were summoned by the Iranian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday.

According to a report released by the Foreign Ministry Media Department, in the meeting Director-General of the Foreign Ministry for Western Europe Ebrahim Rahimpour expressed Iran’s strong protest over the unfriendly implications of the Belgian Senate’s invitation and condemned it.

Turning to the move as indicating support for terrorism, he strongly rejected the argument of separation of their legislative and executive branches of government to justify it.

Blasting the dual approach of Belgium and Europe on the issue of terrorism, he said by resorting to political games of this kind they risked Iran-Europe relations.

Addressing the Finnish ambassador in Iran, whose president is currently the rotating chairman of the European Union, Rahimpour reminded the ambassadors of their countries’ international commitments as well as laws approved by the EU against terrorism, and called on them to honor such commitments.

The MKO is listed as a terrorist group by the EU and US.

This is the second time this week that the two mbassadors have been summoned by the Iranian Foreign Ministry on account of the provocative measure of the Belgian Senate.

Rebuking the EU and its member states for their hypocrisy, he said although they claim to be staunch supporters of the battle against terrorism, for political convenience they would rather not confront terrorist groups such as the MKO and even support them.

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