The End of the Path documentary

The documentary “The End of the Path” is a first-hand account of suffering families whose loved ones have been misled by a destructive cult called the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (the MKO/ MEK/ PMOI/ the Cult of Rajavi). The victims are still taken as hostages by the cult leaders consequently living under a modern slavery.

The three-part documentary was produced while the MEK’s relocation from Iraq to Albania was being accomplished. After the relocation a number of families together with certain former members of the group visited the ruins of Camp Ashraf.

The documentary include these parts: The Ruins of Ashraf, Survivors, and Camp Liberty.

The documentary serves to inform and awaken public opinion on the sufferings of those who are imprisoned inside the destructive mind control cult, the MEK as a group with no popular base in Iran. Today, the group’s treatment against its members is primarily a human rights issue.

In this regard, the mission of Nejat Society is to expose the true nature of the leaders of the cult. We urge all international humanitarian bodies to help us in our efforts to release the victims of the Cult of Rajavi.

By the Media Group of Nejat Society

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