The Positive Force of Terrorism

According to Newswire, in a press briefing hosted by the ‘Colorado’s Iranian American Community’, a bi- partisan Congressional Caucus recognized the indispensable role of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) at Camp Ashraf in Iraq as a natural ally for Iraq’s anti-fundamentalist and democratic forces. Congressmen Bob Filner and Thomas Tancredo the Co-Chairs of Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives, presented the Caucus’s bi-partisan policy recommendations.

The US was the fist to blacklist MKO as a terrorist group and closed all its American located offices. While over 3,000 disarmed members of MKO are currently confined to Camp Ashraf under the Geneva Convention’s “protected persons” status and the coalition forces’ control, the organization is active in Western countries and in the US under various aliases. The ‘Colorado’s Iranian American Community’ is one out of the many.

It seems that some supporters of MKO in the Congress consider violence as positive and the terrorists as positive forces to establish democracy. The US State Department in the first sentence to describe MEK as a terrorist group states “The MEK advocates the violent overthrow of the Iranian regime”; the group’s conduction of terrorist activities in the past twenty-five years well accredits the description. Congressman Bob Filner, however, believes that the US must unleash the terrorists that have the potentiality of establishing freedom and democracy in a country where they are most despised:

The terror tag has put several thousand volunteer dissidents in Camp Ashraf in a virtual house-arrest at a time when they could be a much needed positive force for helping Iranians in their quest for freedom and democratic change

It is odd to see that the US blacklists a certain terrorist group on pretext of global war on terror and to safeguard its nation and citizens against the possible terrorist threats, while, at the same time, some Congressmen take part in the same terrorist group’s meetings and recommend it as beneficial to institute peace and democracy in another country. What a democracy would it be if the terrorist were to establish it!

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