Iranian Mojahedin Khalq confuse toilet paper with sandpaper

From Mr. Muhammad Veliu’s writing in Gazeta we learned that representatives of the group, organization, cult of Madam Rajavi, with its headquarters (camp, barracks) in Manza, are coming more and more under the spotlight of the most prestigious international media (TV, newspapers, news agencies etc.), and have decided to fight back. In their counter attack they dealt with me personally. In this writing they will have the preface of my answer.

Elderly folk, MEK, former terrorists, currently stateless (refugees) who are sheltered in Albania as persons protected for humanitarian reasons, I remind you with humility that attacking me with all kinds of slanders, tales and idiocies just reminded me of Communist Albania before 1990. You old men and women, presently stateless former criminals, I can say that by scratching at me in a false and fabricated way they have confused toilet paper with sandpaper!

To the public, I am explaining one of their idiosyncratic allegations, not only to reject it, but also to bring to life the paranoia of these criminalized “fossils”, still in circulation from a bygone era.

MEK! Do not be so stupid as to lie about the incident of March 22, 2018, when collaborators in the Albanian police ordered by you (and you have left traces, as ignorant as you are), detained two Iranian journalists. Within 3-4 hours they were released and received an apology (documented with audio recording in Albanian, English and with a phrase in Farsi). How is it possible that the Albanian police release terrorists and apologize?!?!? Are you living in a cave, oh you elderly stateless former criminals?!?!?!? These two Iranian “terrorists” came to Albania at the invitation of the Bektashi World Chief of Bektashis, Baba Mondi. Do you believe, you wretched people, that Baba Mondi is a collaborator with Iranian terrorists?!?!?! The two “terrorists” were detained during the celebrations of the Bektashi Celebration, Sultan Novruz, in the premises of the Headquarters in Tirana, some 30 km from the camp barracks, your residence in Manza. Did these terrorists, with their presence at this ceremony, want to commit terrorist acts against their host Baba Mondi or even the President of the Republic of Albania, who was a participant in this ceremony?!??!?! Two Iranian “terrorists” entered Albania with a regular visa issued by the Albanian Consulate General in Istanbul for free (gratis). It is a miserable day when our diplomats in Istanbul have become a conduit for Iranian terrorists?!?!?!?! Ask your unintelligent collaborators in the Albanian intelligence service, to read, for further information, my article at the link:

The MEK states that journalist and British citizen Arron Reza Merat is an infamous Iranian agent of the Iranian regime. I appeal to British diplomats in Tirana to urgently report to MI5 and MI6 that the MEK have discovered this dangerous Iranian spy in our Tirana. While we are here, the British diplomats in Tirana should urgently inform the British intelligence service that MEK of Manza have also discovered a dangerous Iranian spy (British citizen) named Anne Singleton, with whom I was a participant last November (not December as they have incorrectly and unintelligently informed our readers) in a public activity, a seminar, a workshop in Tirana, an activity featured in the electronic media, written media and with videos on You tube, and photos on my personal Facebook. Albanian readers are offered this link to the most recent article by Arron Merat (with associates), the Iranian “spy” for the most serious British newspaper “The Guardian”. link:

Elderly, stateless ex-terrorists, (without a homeland), I explained that I went to Manzas as a translator for the British journalist, not as co-author of his article. I remind the miserable MEK that their Albanian collaborators went to the Faculty of Philology in Tirana to verify that I really did graduate in English in 1988, inter alia to perform the role of a professional oral translator and in writing (interpreter & translator). I did not hide my identity because I presented to MEK a legal identification document, an international passport. I also had an identity card, a driving license, a journalist’s card and a permit to enter Durres Port. I gave my passport, the document contains more info and I had the suspicion that the training which they which they had 30 years ago from Saddam Hussein’s 9th Mukhabarat Directorate was shallow, deficient and very rudimentary. The MEK, in a very professional way, photographed and documented by my side, not just the passport page with my personal details on it, but also every passport page, where there were the exit and entry stamps for whenever I had travelled abroad since December 2010! I remind the MEK that neither they nor the Argon security employees and security guards, have the jurisdiction to check ID documents of Albanian or foreign nationals outside the fence of the camp, barracks, MEK refuge in Manza. I gave my documents and those of the person driving the car owned by my wife to test the professionalism of these former terrorists for the sake of the “Argon” company employees who are ordinary people who support their families with that job!

I did not come to your camp as a reporter but as a translator, however, since, according to your “spokesperson”: “He is part of the Albanian network working with the Iranian Embassy”, I will publicly expose your extreme paranoia. While I still have a very good, almost photographic memory, of being outdoors outside your camp, outside the gate, often in the public road asphalt, I am informing you publicly that I noticed, among other things, these things:

Works in your camp are being carried out by the “Victoria Invets” company owned by Mr. Fatmir Kuqin “. I have almost photographed in my mind, the types, brands and vehicle plates of this company, which entered and left the camp.

Among the subcontractors I noted three different firms. So you don’t think I’m bluffing I’ll mention one of them, company “Beton 5”.

I noted the types and Trademarks used by the “Argon” company’s employees, as well as the type and brand of their handsets (walkie talkies).

I noted the brand of hand radios used by two of the MEK, who were a bunch of commanders, one of whom, in 1991, as a tank driver with “Assad Babylon” [Saddam Hussein] stained the tracks of his tank with the blood of women, children, babies and Shiite tribal elders in the villages in the wetlands near Basra and up to the outskirts of the Iraqi Port Um-Qasser!

I promise you that I will carefully investigate and make public in detail the procedure for obtaining permission from the Albanian authorities for the installation of antennas for such radio transmitters!

I have photographed in my mind the types, brands and license plates of the transport which conveys Albanian employees into and out of the camp. Such details are important to understanding MEK-Albanian relations.

I also fixed in my memory such details as the type and brand of telescopic mirror, which was used to check the underneath of the car chassis entering and leaving the MEK residence. Congratulations, yours are better quality than the ones used by the Vehicle Inspection Guard at the entrance of the Prime Ministry (SIC!).

While on the subject of the Prime Minister, my brother Edwin, the famous leader: Wait, wait, you haven’t seen anything yet. I assure you, oh you wretched MEK, that in the second part of my answer you will be treated to such topics as: 1) Ashraf Camp 3 or George Orwell’s Animal Farm. 2) Edwin ‘the Believer’ hopes to use MEK as a master key to open the Oval Office door. 3) Details of how I will accompany other foreign journalists to the gate of Madam Rajavi’s “Animal Farm”. 4) The public outcry against the MEK and the rule of hearing two bells in journalism. 5) Albanians generally do not endure foreign boils and do not allow them to command in Albania. 6) From Ruskik Haza! Fuck off MEK, this is dialectical!

Oh you MEK, all this story about you started from my writing in this link here:

MEK tomorrow! And tomorrow! / IMPACT GAZETTE

Gjergji Thanasi, Gazeta Impact, Translated by Iran Interlink

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