Silence over Master’s Death Sentence

The former Iraqi dictator finally got what he deserved. Many believe that Saddam’s death sentence is the smallest punishment for someone who executed tens of thousands of Iraqi people. His crimes against humanity exceeded the 1982 killing of 148 Shiites in the city of Dujail for which he received the sentence. Besides of his many evident instances of human-slaughters and bloodbaths, he was openly sponsoring terrorism. He had turned the soil of Iraq into a fertile land for the seeds of terrorism to germinate and MKO was really a favorite.

MKO adored him not as a patron but because he moved on the same violent ideological path they were treading. Mojahedin called him master, host, the great president, and brother above all. They were his most trusted mercenaries and ready to kill on his order. And he gave them a land to construct a city, Ashraf, and equipped them with arms to form an army, NLA, and supported them financially and politically.

Nevertheless, Mojahedin have preferred to keep silent about their previous master’s death sentence. Do they feel loyalty towards him or they are prudent not to aggravate the predicament they are entangled in Iraq?

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