The shadowy cult Trump advisors tout as an alternative to the Iranian government

President Trump sees the Iran as America’s biggest enemy. And before assuming office, his National Security Advisor John Bolton said US policy should be regime change in Iran.

He and other Trump advisers have long touted a shadowy exiled cult as an alternative to the Iranian government. The Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) has had a very active propaganda wing for years, but now they have influence at the highest level. They also have a secretive camp in Albania, 30km from the capital, Tirana.

Trump sees Iran’s regime as America’s biggest enemy – and his advisers have long touted a shadowy exiled cult as an alternative to the Iranian government. LindseyHilsum has been to their secretive camp in Albania to investigate.

Channel 4 News, Lindsey Hilsum – International Editor

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