MEK Gathering or Rendezvous in Paris?!

America’s Mayor’ Rudy Giuliani Is Just Donald Trump’s Stooge Now

It seems that American advocate of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/ MEK/ PMOI/ the Cult of Rajavi)  are not only motivated by the group’s large amounts of speaking fees but also by love affairs. On June 12th, 2018, Page Six was first to reveal the affairs of the former New York mayor and the personal attorney of Donald Trump attorney, Rudy Giuliani with Maria Rosa Ryan –both MKO supporters:

Rudy Giuliani cheated on his wife with a married New Hampshire hospital administrator, multiple sources told The Post.

The mayor-turned-presidential lawyer, 74, and Maria Rosa Ryan, 53, began their affair before he and wife Judith Nathan separated last month — and Nathan filed for divorce five days after the pair was spotted getting cozy at a ­resort hotel in the Granite State.

Giuliani, who has recently been the face of President Trump’s legal team, denied the affair to The Post Tuesday after it broke the story of his relationship with Ryan.

He acknowledged that he and Ryan had dinner and watched a movie at the posh spa — but claimed he was already “in effect separated’’ from Nathan at the time.

But Nathan, 63, angrily shot back in a statement, “My husband’s denial of the affair with the married Mrs. Ryan is as false as his claim that we were separated when he took up with her.”

Nathan filed for divorce April 4 — after Giuliani publicly stepped out with his mistress on a March 29 tour of the hospital she runs. The visit was covered by local TV news cameras.

The former US attorney — who as head of global consulting and security firms has done business for nations including Qatar and Colombia, as well as OxyContin drug giant Purdue Pharma — told reporters he was touring the tiny, rural hospital to learn about its cybersecurity program.

Local ABC-TV affiliate WMUR aired video of ”America’s Mayor” walking with Ryan through her 25-bed Cottage Hospital

Giuliani said he hopes to take what he can learn in Woodsville and incorporate it into his cybersecurity firm,” WMUR reported.

Ryan crowed to the Caledonian-Record newspaper that Cottage “was among the first hospitals in the nation to adopt the newest technologies’’ — and “that’s why we get a lot of attention from people like Rudy Giuliani.”

But after the hospital tour, Giuliani and Ryan — who lives with her husband, Robert, a former Marine, in Manchester — headed an hour north to the Mountain View Grand Resort and Spa in Whitefield.

The thrice-married Giuliani booked the posh resort’s spacious Summit Suite — with views of the Presidential Range — for the pair, sources said.

Past guests at the historic, four-star spot include Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Richard Nixon, author Stephen King and former first lady Michelle Obama.

Giuliani and Ryan dined with three male guests in the resort’s private dining area, The Hunt Room, on March 29, according to sources. He ordered the $32 beef rib.

After dinner, “the woman went back to his room with him,” a waitress told The Post.

“We were all surprised because he is really getting on in years, and she was quite a bit younger than him. We were all like, ‘Hmmm,’ ” the server added.

Hotel staff noted that while Giuliani didn’t seem as if he was trying to hide his girlfriend from them, he was careful to meet with Ryan only in more secluded areas of the resort.

A male assistant for the former New York City mayor made sure that his boss was on the hotel’s “VIP list’’ and arranged for him to watch “The Godfather” and “Godfather II” in its private movie-screening room.

“[Giuliani] was VIP, so when he requested the movies, I made sure to have them ready for him,” a hotel employee said. “We all recognized him right away. We were all very impressed.”

On August 31, an investigated report on what has happened to the Giuliani couple was covered by the New York Magazine. Interviewing Rudy’s third wife Judith, the NY Magazine’s columnist Tish Durkin gives a detailed account on the affairs of the President’s attorney. In parts of the report the journalist states that Ryan and Giuliani traveled to Paris together to attend the MKO-run rallies:

Ryan seems to be a very well-respected figure in the field of rural health care. Her involvement in Iranian-dissident politics, however, is new and strikingly coincident with Rudy’s. At the end of June, they both traveled to Paris for the annual conference of Mujahadeen-e-Kak (MEK), an Iranian opposition-in-exile group.

“He had this woman with him, and her daughter and granddaughter,” recalls one attendee, still aghast at the revealing attire all three sported at a conservative Muslim event. (Having married as a teenager, Ryan is both about two decades younger than Rudy and a grandmother.) Somehow installed on a preconference panel, Ryan struck this person as generally intelligent, but clueless about foreign policy. Later, at the private dinner hosted by MEK leader Maryam Rajavi, Ryan was no more covered up, but the personal nature of her relationship with the former mayor was more clearly exposed.

Mazda Parsi


[1] Marsh, Julia & Reuven Fenton & Gabrielle Fonrouge, Rudy Giuliani’s wife filed for divorce after his affair with married woman, Page Six, June 12, 2018.

[2]Durkin, Tish, The Giulianis Break up and Rudy breaks down? How Judi diagnoses her ex’s new “dissembling” condition, NY Magazine, August 31, 2018

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