Tanks gifted to Mojahedin by Saddam returned to Iraqi Army

A report by Kuwait-based newspaper Al-Rai alaam on the weaponry of Iraq’s news army included some parts about what happened to the tanks of Mojahedin-e Khalq that were given to the group by Saddam Hussein.

The report points to Iraqi army’s use of Russian T55 tanks and says:

"Saddam Hussein had given these tanks to the MKO as gift. The organization, along with Iraqi forces, used the tanks to attack Iranians. Following the US invasion to Iraq, these tanks were confiscated and transferred to Iraq’s new army."

"Three years have passed since the US attacked Iraq but the army has not been equipped with new weapons yet. They still use arms and weapons that have remained from Saddam and his mercenaries. These weapons include T72 and T55 tanks, which were used by the MKO," the report adds.

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