Rajavi’s Meeting with Israeli Diplomats

A number of press sources in Norway revealed that during her recent visit to Oslo, Maryam Rajavi held two rounds of meetings with Israeli diplomats.

There’s no word on the content of these secret meetings, which were held under tight security measures but some of observers say that Iran’s nuclear program has been possibly on the agenda.

Sources add that in her meeting with a number of Norwegian MPs, Maryam Rajavi asked parliamentarians to pave the way for accepting Iraqi-based MKO members in Norway as refugees.

Observers believe that Rajavi’s visit to Norway was conducted with the green light by the US and it seems that the US has allowed Maryam Rajavi to start efforts to win the support of European countries after they (Americans) couldn’t find a solution for the presence of this group in Iraq.

The only commonality between the US and the MKO (listed by the US as a terrorist organization) is group’s opposition to Iran’s Islamic republic.

MKO was the ally of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Saddam supported them by all means and gave them money, weapons and land… and even equipped them with heavy weaponries such as tanks and artillery to conduct operations against Iranians.

Members of this organization believe in a mixture of Islam and Marxism. They are militants who were trained to work with light and heavy weapons. They have operated against Iran by wide military operation in 1988 and by assassinating Iranian religious and political figures during 90s. Members of this organization had an active role in suppressing iraqis’ Sha’banieh uprising in 1991 along with Saddam’s Republican Guards.

MKO is currently under the protection of US forces in Camp Ashraf; the protection is against possible attacks by Iraqis.

Meanwhile, there are undeniable evidences indicating continued cooperation between senior US officers and MKO members in Iraq. A representative from the group contacts US embassy in Iraq on daily basis in order to solve the problems of the group and meet their needs.

Most of MKO members speak fluently in local Arabic (of Iraq) and this helps them cover their Iranian identity from Iraqi people. As stated by Iraqi Prime Minister Mr. Nuri al-Maliki, this group interferes in Iraq’s internal affairs. In his speech on June 19, Mr. al-Maliki asked for the expulsion of MKO members from Iraq.

In a press conference at that time, Maliki said: "Mojahedin-e Khalq organization, trying to overthrow the Iranian regime, is widely interfering in Iraq’s political and social affairs."

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