‘Mr Armey, do not let terrorists use you as a cover’

‘Mr Armey, do not let terrorists use you as a cover’ Hadi Shams Haeri

Dear Mr. Armey,

I read Mr. Massoud Khodabandeh’s open letter to your good self.

Mr. Khodabandeh is a former member of the religious cult Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation, and is currently a human rights activist in the UK who has explained in his letter very briefly, the terrorist nature of Mojahedin cult and its past and current activities. I would like to let you know that I, as a former long serving member of this cult agree with every part of his letter.

Mr. Khodabandeh, in his letter to you, has briefly mentioned some aspects of the dreadful crimes committed by the cult. Books have to be written in order to truly bring to light the extent of the crimes committed by and the true nature of the cult.

I hope what has been written to you would be enough to inform and convince you and your colleagues not to let terrorists use you as a cover for continuation of their terrorist activities.

Yours sincerely,

Hadi Shams Haeri,

Netherlands, December 6, 2006

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