MKO’s Testimony on AMIA Case Is Baseless

Reprted by IRNA quoting Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini, Iranian charge d’affaires to Argentina Mohsen Baharvand in a meeting with Argentine Judge Rodolfo Conicoba Corral explained invalidity of the testimony made by members of terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) accusing Iran of having a hand in the bombing of Argentine Jewish Center (AMIA) in 1994. The meeting is said to have been arranged in the context of cooperation between Tehran and Buenos Aires on legal proceedings about the bombing.

In July 1994, the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) building in Buenos Aires exploded killing 85 people. A car was reprted to have been detonated before the building. According to the testimony of at least a dozen eye witnesses, there was no car bomb but explosion came from the inside outwards. Although the "internal explosion theory" was later proved by the experts, the Israel’s sovereignty over this issue influenced the course of the investigations.

In 1998 the investigation claimed to have proof of the implication of Iran in the AMIA bombings and Argantine duly expelled seven Iranian embassy staff. Mohsen Rabbani, cultural attaché to the Iranian embassy in Buenos Aires was alledged as a key planner of the attack; he was held in Germany but was released due to lack of evidence.

MKO’s information has been known to be the main source on which Iran is accused about the AMIA case. Working as the agents and mouthpiece for Israel, MKO are assigned to introduce what Israel intends to against Iran. It was the same case with Iran’s nuclear file when the group disclosed the Israeli satellite pictures of Arak and Natanz as the documents received from their informants in Iran.

Of course, the vigilant minds are well aware of Mojahedin’s real intention to pose as the Iranian main opposition by repeating the accusations of Israel and the U.S. against Iran. A question does form in the thoughtful minds that why only a globally blacklisted terrorist group can be trusted as the main sources of making accusations against a country whose nation detest that same group.

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