Nejat Society letter to Mr Richard K. Armey

Mr Richard K. Armey

Senior Policy Adviser

Co-Chair, Homeland Security

DLA Piper Rudnick

Gray Cary

1200 Nineteenth Street, NW

Washington, DC, 20036-2412

United States

Dear Mr Armey

With regards, we would like to require your consideration on a matter concerning your latest involvement in the US foreign policy towards Iran. Initially it is worth mentioning that Nejat Society consists of those defected members of Mojahedin-é Khalq Organisation (MKO) who have managed to rescue themselves from the boundaries of the Organisation, and find themselves obliged to strive to help and rescue the members who are still mentally or even physically captive inside the Organisation.

Up to 500 ex-members of MKO have managed to return home to their families since the overthrow of the former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Nejat Society of course played a vital role with the help of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the Iranian Red Crescent, and other international and domestic bodies as well as the families themselves to safeguard their homecoming.

Around 300 of those who have managed to flee the Organisation are kept in a nearby component under the supervision of “Temporary International Presence Facility (TIPF)”. And evidently there are some 3000 members still left in Ashraf Camp inside Iraq. These people need to be rescued out urgently.

Several members of MKO have left their families and relatives many years ago to join the MKO ranks with the hope of bringing prosperity and welfare to the Iranians. But on the contrary they were themselves caught up with a dreadful cult that managed to control their minds and lives all together through the years in the boundaries of Ashraf Camp in Iraq.

They practically became part of Saddam Hussein’s Army in the war against Iran. They were misused by the MKO leaders to risk their lives for terrorist activities against their own people for the interest of then ruling Iraqi dictator. Nejat Society is aiming to end these unfortunate people’s misery.

The members and authorities of Nejat Society are well aware that they are facing a fierce tackle. The Mojahedin-é Khalq Organisation of course has adopted a hostile attitude against the Society and has never stopped its intense propaganda aggravation in order to stop the Society helping the MKO members.

All cults, typically try to intimidate their critics and opponents, particularly those who try to help the discontented members out. MKO is no exception. They have a long record of suppressing their despondent members and they have used all forms of mental and physical methods in order to make their followers yield.

Nejat Society has been the subject of all sorts of accusations by the MKO officials because it tries to make the contact of the members with their families possible, something the Organisation is truly terrified of. Nejat Society tries to help the defected members in Iraq who reside in “Temporary International Presence Facility (TIPF)”. This of course is an unforgivable sin from the Organisation’s point of view. Therefore they even try to subject TIPF into harassment. In one word Nejat Society is to save the elements caught up in the MKO and let them live.

We were therefore astonished to learn that you and your firm have risked your status and have become the advocates of MKO in order to whitewash its dreadful deeds in the past and even at the present time. It has happened many times before that MKO has tried to misuse independent sources to gain credibility to counter its past accounts. This has evidently damaged the reputation of those firms severely. We are well aware that the Organisation, like many cults of the same sort, is prepared to spend huge amount of sums to reach its goals.

You might be interested to know that MKO openly supports using violence and aggression as means to reach political objectives. One dreadful example was on the case of the most horrifying terrorist act of the century on September 11th 2001 incident which the Organisation celebrated the occasion in Ashraf Camp in Iraq just after the outbreak of the news.

Here we also wish to draw your attention to the latest report executed by the Human Rights Watch on MKO. The report which is called No Exit was issued on May 2005:

No Exit: Human Rights Abuses inside the Mojahedin Khalq Camps

Iran: Exiled Armed Group Abuses Dissident Members

Opposition Group Seeks Recognition and Support in Western Capitals

“Members who try to leave the MKO pay a very heavy price,”

Finally we wish to call for your attention to the very fact that Mr Alireza Jafarzadeh, the press spokesman of MKO in Washington DC and a consultant to the Fox News, “joined the Mujahedin-e Khalq . . ., and became a fanatically dedicated member, even going so far as to volunteer to set himself on fire outside the U.N. Headquarters building in New York City to draw attention to the MEK’s cause”. (Scott Ritter, Target Iran, Nation Books)

With many regards and thankfulness

Nejat Society


Nejat Society

P.O. Box 14395/679,

Tehran, Iran

Fax: 88 96 10 31


December 11th 2006

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