Open Letter to Mr Richard K, Armey about MEK

Mr Richard K. Armey

Senior Policy Adviser

Co-Chair, Homeland Security

DLA Piper Rudnick

Gray Cary

1200 Nineteenth Street, NW

Washington, DC , 20036-2412

United States of America

Dear Mr. Richard Armey,

We are writing to you, as former members of the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK), to express our serious concerns regarding the MEK’s recent increased activities within Western countries. We are especially shocked to hear that you and some U.S. Senators are offering their support to MEK in the hope of using them as the instrument of change in Iran . In doing so, you are being completely indifferent to the past history of this organization as a terrorist group with a long trail of violence and militant actions even against its own members.

We would appreciate it if you could make public your own definition of terrorism. On what basis do you claim that the MEK is not a terrorist group after killing so many innocent Iranian civilians and committing many crimes including military training of under age children and using them by force in military actions? In your opinion are terrorists only those who commit acts of terror against Western countries and their citizens? Are you exempting the rest of the world from this equation and do not consider atrocities against their citizens to qualify as crimes? As we follow the news and read the official statements about global terrorism, specifically since September 11, 2001, we are fully convinced that MEK should be at the top of your list by any definition. Your diversion from globally accepted definitions of terrorism can only translate into double standards and discrimination.

Here we offer some examples that may assist you to have a better picture of MEK so you can think twice before placing your bet on them and investing your credit on a lost cause.

As Iranians, and former members of the organization, we have first hand experience of both the mullahs of the Iranian regime and the MEK leadership, and with full confidence we can claim that they are both following the same ideology. It is a known fact that MEK was the biggest supporter of Ayatollah Khomeini during the revolution in Iran and for a definitive period after that. They were also the architects of, and directly involved in, many of the extreme measures taken by the new regime including the U.S hostage crises in Iran in 1979. The MEK has also assassinated seven Americans during the Shah’s regime. One of their major conflicts with the Shah’s regime was the opinion that the Shah was himself the puppet of the U.S.A.

As you are well aware, MEK has been designated as a terrorist group since 1994, and they are on the terror list of the United States , Canada and the European Union. We also trust that you are informed about the Human Rights Watch Report on MEK in 2005 and an additional report in 2006. The MEK has violated human rights in their bases in Iraq and elsewhere by torturing and imprisoning their own members who criticized their wrong doings or voiced their decision to detach themselves from that organization. However, we are enclosing a copy of that report for your reference.

It is a public knowledge that MEK have no support in Iran for the role they played during the eight year war between Iran and Iraq . They moved their headquarters to Iraq during that time and supported, and worked closely with, Saddam Hussein against Iran . They were financed by the former dictator of Iraq for their service during that time and later when Saddam Hussein turned against the Iraqi people.

MEK also has no credit or connection with the other opposition groups of Iran because of the absolute leadership of Mr. Massoud and Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and their cultish culture that they impose on the organization and its members. As a result of their iron grip over the organization their members are not allowed to make any personal decision. They also have no voice or vote about or against the organizational decisions enforced by the leadership.

According to their past history and the records of their activities in the West they have been involved with various illegal activities such as money laundering, ideologically grooming youths and the illegal reallocation of these youths to Iraq as a militia for further terrorist activities. All this indicates the true nature of this organization as being unlawful and dangerous and detrimental for the credibility of your government. It would not, also, reflect positively on the U.S. government to support such group as an instrument of democratic change in Iran . On the contrary, support for an undemocratic and violent organization as the main alternative for the freedom movement in Iran will set a wrong precedent and will not reflect positively on U.S. intentions for the future of Iran .

We would strongly suggest that you meet with an individual who has witnessed the MEK in action and is able to provide you with supporting documents on our claims.

It is our collective belief that an organization which has no respect for the rights and well being of its membership and assumes no responsibility towards its origin or public statements can not be trusted. It is obvious that their main concern is to gain benefit and power, from any willing party whether being Saddam Hussein, George W. Bush or newly elected Democrats.

So, please reconsider your position and do not harm or delay the young and fragile freedom movement in Iran .



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