Double Standards of the west

Double Standards of the west in dealing with the Mojahedin-e Khalq?

In the United States as well as United Kingdom, the Mojahedin-E Khalq of Iran employs powerful and well connected lobbyists working to remove them from the terrorist lists of both of those countries. These lobbyists are attempting to erase the violent and bloody past of the Mojahedin-e khalq of Iran, and present a ‘revised’ version of history.

But the truth is that terrorism and violence are part of the foundation of this cult. In the absence of violence and aggression the Mojahedin will cease to exist as an organization.

The Mojahedin-e khalq of Iran have not once during their 40 years of existence condemned the use of violence as a method of struggle, and the current ‘official’ line of downplaying their past for politicians and media is just a ploy to fool the would be supporters.

The victims and groups of people who have been killed by the hands of the Mojahedin-e Khalq are not exclusively Iranians. American employees, Iraqi Kurds, Iraqi soldiers, Iranian civilians and Iranian state employees working for the Shah or the Islamic Republic are some of the people that have in the past been murdered by the Mojahedin. Even dissidents within their own organization have been killed by this cult.

Before the revolution of 1979, the Mojahedin announced with pride the assassinations of a number of Americans personal stationed in Iran as listed below:

Lt. Colonel Lewis L. Hawkins

Killed: June 2, 1973

Air Force Colonel Paul Schaeffer

Killed: May 21, 1975

Air Force Lt. Colonel Jack Turner

Killed: May 21, 1975

Donald G. Smith, Rockwell International employee

Killed: August 28, 1976

Robert R. Krongrad, Rockwell International employee

Killed: August 28, 1976

William C. Cottrell, Rockwell International employee

Killed: August 28, 1976

In addition, an extensive campaign of bombings and other terrorist activities towards American & Israeli interests in Iran is available, as evidence of their bloody past.

After the revolution of 1979, the Mojahedin played an active role in the executions of the former Shah’s heads of government in kangaroo courts and sought furiously to seek the death penalty for anyone believed to have been working with the then deposed Shah of Iran or had been known to have any relationship with the Americans.

The Mojahedin supported vigorously the takeover of the American embassy on 4th November 1979, and in order to portray themselves as even “more revolutionary” then the Iranian guards supporting Ayatollah Khomeini, they decided to attack and occupy the Americans consulates in Isfahan and Tabriz.

When the power struggle between Mojahedin and the ayatollahs came to a head, they quickly fell back on their old habit of violence and terrorism. And from 1980 to 2003, more than 16,000 Iranians have been killed in their campaign of terror. The majority of those killed were innocent civilians targeted in calculated moves to bring instability and fear into the daily lives of Iranians in the hope that it would result in the downfall of the Iranian regime.

Beginning from 1982, the Mojahedin started to slowly move their camps inside Iraq with the full support of Saddam Hussein. They were given the necessary equipment and security to continue their campaign of terror. As well as operating as a spy agency for the Iraqis the Mojahedin in effect ended up being nothing more then a proxy army for Saddam Hussein. They engrained their brutal and dictatorial form of power and during a long process of brainwashing their own members and putting an end to male and female relations, the leaders of the Mojahedin created a dangerous “zombie army”.

These same brainwashed members set about to murder innocent Iraqi Kurds in 1991, at the request of Saddam Hussein.

During their stay in Iraq (1982 – present), tens of dissident members have been imprisoned or killed. Two examples include the death of Parviz Ahmadi and Ghorban Torabi, who died under torture in camp Ashraf in 1996.

In June of 2003, while Maryam Rajavi, the self proclaimed president of Iran was arrested by French police, more then 10 supporters and members of Mojahedin showed their objection to the arrest by setting themselves on fire. Of these 10 individuals, 4 suffered such an extent of damage from the fire that they died shortly after.

On May 2005, Human Rights Watch, an independent organization issued a report by the name of ‘No Exit: Human Rights Abuses Inside the MKO Camps’ which explored the dark side of the Mojahedin by interviewing a number of ex-members and their painful experiences as members of cult of Rajavis. In a report issued later in February 2006, Human Rights Watch responded to the allegation made by the Mojahedin on the legitimacy of the NO EXIT report and concluded that the statements made in the previous report were in fact truthful.

Whether Mojahedin-e Khalq of Iran will remain in the terrorist list or not, makes no real difference to the Iranian people. This is because they are viewed as a terrorist cult who has no base of support among the people of Iran.

The removal of Mojahedin-E Khalq of Iran from the terrorist list will only be a mark of shame. This will only reinforce the sense of double standards that is still harboured among Iranians. It now remains to be seen as to how the west will stand by its claims of assisting human rights and democracy for Iran and other countries in need.


Karim Haghi Moni

Iran Peyvand Association

December 12, 2006

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