Adnan Al-Dulaimi, The Master of Civil Wars

When Zarqawi, Al-Qaeda’s number one in Iraq, was killed Iraqi security forces found the mobile phone number of Adnan Al-Dulaimi, Tareq Al-Hashemi and Hares Al-Zari at the site. Mowafq Al-Rubaii, Iraqi security advisor, announced at that time that the government had found precious documents. However, the Iraqi government was pressed by Americans not to pursue the issue. Some Iraqi official preferred not to go on with the case in order to keep their posts.

Also, a while ago, US forces entered Dulaimi’s house and found 8 bombed cars, a workshop equipped with devices for planting explosives and also fake ID cards. On the other hand, Dulaimi’s grandson admitted that their targets belonged to Shiites including regions such as Al-Jahad, Al-Hurriah and Al-Aamel. On 26.9.2006, Dulaimi’s personal bodyguard, Khazir Farhan, who was closely cooperating with Al-Qaeda revealed the suicide bombings with explosive belts in Al-Khazra district.

Dulaimi’s comments on supporting the terrorist MKO, which has been involved in killing Iraqis during Shaabaniah uprising in 1991, prove that accusations on his support for terrorism are true.

Dulaimi had claimed that Iraqi Shiites who accuse the MKO of terrorism, are in fact Iranians.

He said: "MKO, based in Iraq, is a political group and is not terrorist group in any way. According to the laws of Iraq, MKO’s rights should be respected and Iraq’s regulations should protect them. We hope Iraqi officials understand this. I ask God Almighty to help us in our support for the guests of Iraq. Our moral values force us to support them. We should protect them and I don’t believe that they have negative impact on Iraq’s situation."

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