MKO’s Terrorist Label Reaffirmed by Canada

Following the ruling of the EU’s second court on lifting the ban on the funds of terrorist MKO in Europe, remnants of Rajavi’s cult are stupidly trying to take advantage of this ruling in other countries and pave the way for being taken out of the terror list.

In this regard, the lawyer of terrorist organization in Canada who is trying to take the MKO’s name out of the black list in that country has dealt a big blow in his first steps.

On the issue of MKO’s new efforts for getting out of terror list, Brian Adeba discussed MKO lawyer’s efforts in Canadian-based "Embassy" on Dec. 20, 2006 and wrote according to Canadian officials that:

"Last month, the Canadian government reviewed the group and found that it still qualified to be on the list of terrorist organizations banned in Canada, said Philip McLinton, a spokesman from the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.

"It’s according to the criteria [in the Criminal Code] and intelligence received that this assessment was conducted," said Mr. McLinton. However, he said under Canada’s laws, any group listed on the terror watch list can appeal the decision, but added that the department hasn’t received any such request from the People’s Mujahedeen."

IranDidban – 2006/12/23

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