MEK claimed the responsibility of terror acts against civilians

In June 1998, a year after the election of the Iranian Reformist President, Mohammad Khatami, the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/ MEK/ PMOI/ Cult of Rajavi) launched a new series of terrorist attacks in Iran. On June 2nd, 1998 two mortar attacks and a bombing was launched in three locations in Tehran by the MEK.

The group’s operatives attacked the Tehran General Prosecutor’s Office on Shariati Avenue carrying the bomb in a handbag.

The bomb exploded in the corridor of the building killing three men including a Christian man who was the facilities engineer of the Justice department. Willholm Vigen was 52, married with two children. 21 people were injured in the attack too.

The MEK claimed the responsibility of the attack immediately and issued a statement claiming that the group’s “military units crushed the dozens of torturers and judges of the Iranian courts”!

 Another statement was published just two days later to launch disinformation about the death of the Christian citizen, Vigen. The group’s propaganda completely denied that the attack had targeted civilians and particularly the Christian citizen. They claimed that Vigen’s funeral in a church in Tehran was attended by the Islamic revolutionary guards and agents of the Intelligence ministry!

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