Take a stroll with Codepink through the MEK Washington Rally

No war with Iran

Medea Benjamin and the Code Pink group members presented outside the State Department to counter the MEK warmongers rally.
They stated the American people’s unwillingness towards the sanctions and a regime change wars with Iran:

DC June 21: State Department Petition Delivery and Protest
Event Description

Join CODEPINK as we head to the State Department to tell Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, if he wants genuine good faith talks with Iran, he must lift economic sanctions and end the threat of war.

After we hand in our petition, we will be outside of the State Department calling for no sanctions and no war with Iran to counter the Mujahideen-e-khalq’s (MEK) rally. The MEK are an exiled Iranian cult group, who have little to no support inside of Iran because of the alliance it had with Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein during the Iraq-Iran war, which killed thousands of Iranians. The group supports brutal sanctions and regime change in Iran. Despite having been previously listed as a terrorist organization in the U.S., the MEK has cultivated close ties with members of the Trump administration having paid $140,000 in speaking fees to National Security Advisor John Bolton

We will be outside the MEK rally at the U.S. State Department to show our presence that the American people are against sanctions and a regime change wars with Iran.

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