Paul Sheldon Foote: Terrorist groups exist because someone wants them to

… They have existed throughout those regions for a number of reasons: one is strong American support. Even though the American government denies it, it’s been reported by Seymour Hirsch in The New Yorker; it’s been reported by Laura Rosen in the War and Peace Blog. They can deny it all they want, but we do strongly support it — independent journalists have gone through the region and videotaped all these communist terrorist groups and they all admit they are working with the American government. They also of course have strong support from Israel. What the American media doesn’t bother to report is …

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Dr. Paul Sheldon Foote on the Mujahedin-e-Khalq

… Much has been said about MKO/MEK/PMOI as a terrorist organization that once conducted attacks against American citizens and is suspected of collaborating with pentagon and the Israeli intelligence in espionage activities against Iran. In a two hour radio program, Dr. Paul Sheldon Foote, covers the history and ideology of the organization on Mark Dankof’s America on the Republic Broadcasting Network.

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Professor Paul Sheldon Foote visit to the British Parliament

Paul Sheldon Foote is a Professor at the California State University and an outspoken critic of US neoconservatives and American political leaders who support war on Iran. Professor Foote served as an elected member of the Republican Party Central Committee, Los Angeles County (1990 to 1992) and as a conservative Republican candidate for the California State Assembly endorsed by the California Republican Assembly (1992)

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Prof.Foote: American gov’t to continue using MKO against Iran

MEK is now hue and crying over not being allowed to carry their medicine, medical instruments, power generators, office facilities.. to the Temporary Transit Location! “These resources were provided for terrorist services rendered by supporters in Iraq (Saddam Hussein), Saudi Arabia, America, and elsewhere,” Sheldon said regarding the issue…Referring to the MEK member arrested in Thailand, Paul Sheldon Foote underlined that it is ..

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Prof. Foote: MKO promoting hatred of Iran

He pointed out that Mujahedin-e Khalq aka MKO/MEK/PMOI is a useful tool for the Israelis “by promoting hatred of Iran, by telling lies about Iran, and by conducting terrorist operations in Iran.”“Israel can always deny any knowledge of or support for these activities,” he continued…Sheldon Foote said, “Most Americans do not even have passports. They have not visited Iran. It is easy for the MKO to lie about supporting democracy.”

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More smoke and mirrors from the MEK propaganda factory

It is known that Zucker, along with his family, visited Maryam Rajavi in Paris and was sufficiently impressed by her glamorous outfits, free dinners and weasel words to become an active advocate of the MEK in America. However, Zucker’s article received a thorough retort back in 2007 from Professor Paul Sheldon Foote. Reference to the same discredited article in this report can only be done out of ignorance…

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Comment on Claims

Referring to Claire Miskin’s statement released on December 30, 2006 by NCRI website entitled “Behind the atrocities in Iraq stands the Iranian regime” Paul Sheldon Foote delivered the following comment.
Contrary to the representations posted by the Iranian Communist MEK’s NCRI Web site,

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