On the Formation and Survival of Terrorism

… The second group surviving pre-revolutionary armed warfare was Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, PMOI, NCR, NLA). Mujahedin insisted to continue their armed strategy and rejected new rules as they had their own interpretation and analysis of the post-revolution era. They refused to deliver their weapons over to the newly formed regime and instead opened a front of controversy that led them to pursue their goals through violent means that eventually culminated to terrorism. The role of Pahlavi’s authoritarian and repressive regime for the birth of the two challenging groups, among many other armed groups, was inevitable …

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MKO’s Shift in Terrorist Modus Operandi

.. today the global consensus on the issue of fight against terrorism has forced many terrorist groups to withdraw from violence, go to isolation, temporary cease armed activities ..the question is that how can such an organization[MKO/MEK/PMOI] that is struggling hard to be removed from the terrorist blacklists play a double standard of both maintaining its terrorist and militarist potentialities and portray a counter-terrorist in its political and propaganda profile? For sure there are concrete evidences to prove such a hypocritical behavior..

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How GOP Leaders Allow Iran To Shape Their Policy

Those who support MEK simply want the group to launch a proxy war against Iran, yet haven’t considered the potentially dangerous consequences. For example, none of the legislators bother to mention that MEK aka MKO/PMOI continues to clash with the U.S.-backed Iraqi Security Force, nor does anyone seem to recall other situations in which we teamed up with militants to destroy a common enemy. Remember the Taliban?

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MKO duplicity in medical care of Ms. Hemmati

… The Mojahedin claim that the advanced nature of her illness is as a result of the Iraqi Government placing limits on them. Even if you produce evidence and documents to support this claim, your history shows another story… When, in the time of Saddam, they gave the body of Hayedeh Hemmati to her family in Switzerland, the Swiss doctors emphasised that if Hayedeh had been brought for medical help a year sooner, she would have survived. But two months before the death of Hayedeh, in the year 2000, when the Ideological leader (Massoud Rajavi) …

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Mr. Piransar Letter to the US Secretary of States concerning MKO

… As a veteran and former member of this organization and according to my own knowledge of their internal relations and their thoughts and ideology, this is my humane duty to warn you that do not trust them by no means and do not be deceived by their beautiful slogans which are totally hollow and meaningless for them. This organization[MEK/MEK/PMOI] is not just “suspect of terrorism”, it is a terrorist organization itself which has come on the political stage equipped with glamorous and deceitful slogans and…

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Mrs. Maleki Letter to the US Secretary of States concerning MKO

Its ideology is a combination of Marxism and Islam.Their ideology is based on fighting against capitalism and they believe that the United States of America is the symbol of global capitalism and they call the USA ‘the World-Eater Imperialism’. Their ideological principle and objective is based on fighting against the United States and its interests, and in this regard they have written and published many books such as, The Carter Presidency (World Eater Imperialism).

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Interview with Mahmoud Dashtestani – Part2

If they are really sure that all members have been melted in Maryam’s revolution, why are they so worried about any mistake made by members and they try to keep them under their control?In Ashraf there are various security units such as street patrolling, regional protection, road security, gates security, Ashraf security,… if they claim that members have been unified with Maryam’s revolution, why these too many bars?

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Open Letter to United States Secretary of State considering MKO

… Massoud Rajavi in his admiration for Osama Ben Laden and his organization, Al Qaeda, he said, ”This was fanatical Islam which trembled and shacked the basis of US Imperialism and they destroyed the twin towers which were the symbol of their power, and successfully reduced it to rubble through their successful mission”. Then he (Massoud Rajavi) with a smile on his face continued his war cry and said, ”What will happen to the USA if revolutionary Islam with our Ideology and Maryam’s leadership comes to power …

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Why Mojahedin Khalq welcomes new sanctions against Iran?

… The evidence is a multitude of published reports by state-run research organizations and institutes that recognize MKO responsible for sporadic bombings, assassinations, violence, unrest and anarchy after the 1979 revolution in Iran. Although at the present enjoying the support of the Hawks, the official positions of the US officials and particularly the Congress and the State Department do not confirm that of a supporter and still recognizes MKO as a terrorist group …

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