Rajavi’s rationale behind starting Armed Warfare

as a habit and just on the threshold of the anniversary of the June incidents, MKO’s leadership starts a series of measures, but this year can especially be of importance. The propaganda began much earlier with Rajavi’s serial speeches made in an effort to review the history and the relevant post-revolution incidents.

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Rajavi, a devotee of the deviated

… Although the dispute over the acceptance of Islam or Marxism as the ideological infrastructure of the organization caused a schism in the organization with the consequent murder of Sharif-Vaqefi and emergence of the Marxist wing, it will be naïve to put all the blames just on Taqi Shahram and Bahram Aram as the opportunists that betrayed their comrades. …

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Why Rajavi gave over narrating chronicles?

… Now Rajavi is getting mired in a dilemma to clarify, now that he has started a review of his irreconcilable contrarieties with a revolution, who the perpetrators of terrorist deeds were and what he hoped to gain by these atrocities premeditated against noncombatant and civilian targets. He intentionally evades reviewing the events of the 20 June onward when Mojahedin …

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Rajavi’s hypocrisy regarding recognized campaigners of Iran

Rajavi has sought refuge in historical, popular, and revolutionary figures of Iranian history to justify his anti-national activities during years of his so-called revolutionary struggle. In other words, he misuses the repute of the distinguished Iranian freedom fighters as well as the leaders of social revolutions, particularly in the recent century, like Sattar Khan, Baqir Khan and Modarres to cover up his political scandals..

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Reality Check: Understanding a terrorist organization, MEK

Among MEK’s [MKO/PMOI]terrorist acts against civilians, the most crucial ones are “Attack on offices of General Motors in 1972, Bombing of offices of Oman Bank and Pan-American Oil and of gates of British embassy in 1974,suicide attacks targeting senior clerics in Tabriz, Khorasan, Shiraz and Rasht in 1981 and 1982,simultaneous raids on Iranian embassies in 13 countries in 1922,..

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NLA, Iranian’s historical achievement

… It seems that Rajavi has been persuaded that his tricks are of no use and new methods are required to divert the attention of Ashraf residents from realities. The new assertion of Rajavi in his message of January 20th can be evaluated in this regard … Rajavi’s grandiose claims have many irrecoverable consequences paid mainly by NLA and Ashraf residents as his false promise of short-time overthrow failed and was replaced by a promise of 6-month..

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Rajavi’s message, an art of collage

Massoud Rajavi still fails to be relieved of the phantom that the generation he is addressing has never troubled its mind about him and his organization[MKO/MEK/PMOi] as the former believes the latter are a piece of Iran’s past history. Only some acquainted with the stalemates and crises the organization has recently encountered can realize what is bothering Rajavi at the present.

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Feminist Terrorism: Not a Joke

the group[MKO/MEK/PMOI] still poses a threat. Most seriously, the threat is within the West if a similar group is established on our soil, because our feminist laws will allow them to organize and menace men with impunity. Just as Saddam made use of women with tanks and heavy weapons to terrorize his own people, it is not inconceivable that feminist militias in the US..

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Rajavi’s worldview of violence and death

“The mindset of a terrorist group reflects the personality and ideology of its top leader and other circumstantial traits, such as typology (religious, social revolutionary, separatist, anarchist, and so forth), a particular ideology or religion, culture, and nationality, as well as group dynamics.”..Based on many significant evidences, there are points referred to by members and the leader of Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, PMOI, NCRI) that may lead to arrive at a deep understanding of the ideological-political indoctrinations of the terrorist cult.

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Secrets that may slink out of Ashraf

… Being disarmed, Mojahedin’s alternative for military operation has been an energetic involvement in intelligence activities. Of course, any probe may fail to discover very sophisticated equipment and apparatuses needed for such activities, but the organization’s potentiality easily solves the question of equipment as it has in the past … Testimonies by the ex-members are the best evidences to fathom the organization’s intelligence menace..

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