Mujahedin’s Mechanical exploitation over members

Massoud Rajavi and his wife Maryam Rajavi, the self-appointed ringleaders of the MKO/PMOI intend to balk responsibility in relation to the existed fatal political and ideological fiascoes and impasses. … The irrefutable crime of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization was to make everyone get training several weapons with the intention to achieve terrorist operations in the cities of Iran. The priority was given to the opponents, because Rajavi intended to inflict two marks with one bullet (to kill two birds by one stone). So that Rajavi might get rid of his opponents and attain his terrorist aims too.

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On the anniversary of a terrorist attack

… On the anniversary of 11 September terrorist incident, and while the world media take positions and analyze the incident from different angles, MKO-run media have purposefully remained silent, as they have all through these years … In contrast to its claims of having accepted democratic parameters of the West, MKO / PMOI indifferent position on 9/11 incident indicates its innate duality and its glorification of terrorism

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Expert outlines reasons for US and UK support to MEK

the starting point for the ideological problems of the Monafeqin with the people and the political system was something inherent in the nature and essence of that group in the first place. …America and Britain have tried to preserve the Monafeqin organization as one of the forces which are hostile to the Islamic Republic system of Iran, even though they know very well that this organization does not enjoy any influence and impact on the Iranian domestic affairs

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Targets of Violence

To give a report of its operation teams only in a one-year period, considered a hallmark of its military operations in 1987, the organization published a 54-page booklet entitled Resistance on the Rise that contains a detailed account of more than 20 terrorist operations perpetraited by its teams in various Iranian regions and cities. In these attacks, Mojahedin’s operation teams killed and wounded hundreds of Iranian innocent civilians

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compliance with ethical obligations

… As a terrorist group, MKO considered violence and aggressive actions as ethical and legitimate for the accomplishment of the cause since the Machiavellian motto of “the end justifies the means” permitted it to take advantage of any unconventional and violent means in the power struggle. As Walter Reich explains; “A terrorist if considers something ethical, according to his understanding of ideology, it turns to be accepted ethics by all members. Thus, according to that same ideology, the killing of anybody as enemy would be justifiable and necessary”…

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An Ultra-Left Trend

Today, from a different angle, MKO, developing a leftist, anti-democratic ideology and pursuing a lead of totalitarianism, is seemingly moving quantitatively from the left to the right. Is it possible that the US is convinced MKO has retreated from its originally left, anti-imperialist ideology to receive American support? It is against all expectations.

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The Cult of Mojahedin; Falling Short of International Legitimacy

In spite of being a banned terrorist group whose offices are closed in the US, there is a question that what legitimate connection there could be found between MKO’s status in the US and its ability to liberate Iranians. After all, the group claims at every available opportunity that it relies entirely on its boundless popularity in Iran and therefore needs no foreign sponsor.

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The Cult of Mojahedin; Fit to Be an Alternative?

U.S has been always using oppositions as an internal tool in order to maintain its presence in other countries. Following a new doctrine named neocolonialism as a modern colonization, this policy has even encouraged some expansionist countries to use the oppositions as the tool in some cases.

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Legal Measures to Combat Cult Violence

Mojahedin began their military operations in August 1971. Their first operations were designed to disrupt the extravagant celebrations of the 25-century anniversary of the monarchy. SAVAK [the Monarchy’s security-information apparatus] through one of the old member of Tudeh party, who was recruited by them, could infiltrate into Mojahedin and soon was able to arrest another sixty-six members

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