For Fundamentalists and the Hard Right

Today’s FrontPage Magazine did not include Tancredo’s speech or an explanation as to why David Horowitz would invite Tancredo to speak at Restoration Weekend. During 2005, FrontPage Magazine published articles of supporters of the Rajavi Cult. Following posted criticisms of FrontPage Magazine, the magazine posted, on January 13, 2006, Michael Rubin’s”Monsters of the Left: The Mujahedin al-Khalq”.

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Gunning for Iran

The IAEA branded the American report”outrageous and dishonest”for asserting that Tehran’s nuclear plans were geared towards weapons. This, of course, was just the latest flare-up in the running debate over Iran’s supposed nuclear ambitions. So where is Washington getting its information? Try an Iranian opposition group known as the Mujahedin-e-Khalq – MeK for short. Given the debacle over Saddam’s non-existent WMDs in Iraq, you’d reckon there’d have to be a touch of caution where Iranian exiles peddling nuclear secrets are concerned.

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UK Anti-Terrorism Policy and the MEK

As the stranglehold of increasingly draconian anti-terrorism laws takes hold in the UK, this briefing focuses on British policy regarding the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Oragnsiation also known as the MKO or MEK and under various other pseudonyms and acronyms [1] .

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The Paradigm of a Historic Irrationality

The MKO’s first attempt to create a military spectacle the same as Fedayan’s daring operation of Siahkal failed. The group planed to disrupt the 1971 celebrations surrounding the 2500th anniversary of the Persian monarchy. In fact, although it was an attempt to win the control and leadership of the armed struggle, but the armed strategy in itself was in no way justifiable.

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Mr. Zucker, more Mojahed than Mojahedin

Daniel M. Zucker, a Chairman of Americans for Democracy in the Middle-East, in his recent article, Setting the Record Straight About the Mojahedin-e Khalq of Iran, which is more a comeback to Jay Solomon’s article published in the Wall Street Journal (“Iranian Exile Group Aims to Build Bridges; Some in Congress See a Role For an Organization Listed as a Terrorist Group”, …

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Employee’s True Face

..front man for the MKO and the NCRI in the United States, is still being introduced by the Fox News Network as their independent Iran analyst. Fox News’ insistence on using this individual has prompted ridicule by many in the media and in political circles. Fox News has clearly decided that using this notorious man is more important for their pay masters than maintaining their reputation as a serious broadcaster…

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Objective of Mosaddeq and the Deviationist MKO

These popular movements, particularly the Constitutional Revolution of 1905-9, the Jangal Rebellion of Gilan in 1917-21, the Oil Nationalization struggle of 1951-3, have been repeatedly exploited by Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) and the group took maximum advantage of these national movements.

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Saddam Devotees Hail Community of Strategy with Iraqis

soon after the Islamic revolution, they announced that more than 150,000 rallied in Amjadieh soccer stadium in Tehran. The stadium in full capacity, according to mathematical evaluations, could entertain a crowd of not exceeding 30,000. Later, on the anniversary of the 20 June event, MKO’ TV reported a rally of 200,000 in the same place. Even on the 20 June 1981, the day MKO organized a protesting rally in different Iranian cities, MKO announced a swarm of 500,000 sympathizers in Tehran’s streets never thinking of the destructive potentialities of such a crowd if they really existed

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A Ba’ath Party Replica

MKO left France to settle in Iraq with the aim to utilize Saddam and Baath Party’s potentialities to form an alliance against Iran. Saddam, too, had the same idea in mind and could venture on MKO in its war with Iran. The close strategic, political collaboration furthered a brotherhood between Saddam and Rajavi; it may explain why MKO yet avoid taking any clear position against Saddam and his crimes.

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Indeed, a number of recent bombing attacks in Baluchistan and Khuzestan have been linked to MEK fighters who have infiltrated Iran’s borders from bases in Iraq and Pakistan. It seems the purpose of these infiltrations is not only to set up possible staging grounds for an invasion but also to stir up Iran’s small Sunni community (centered in these regions) to help bring down the clerical regime once the bombs start falling.

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