Mojahedin Struggle in Defiance of Democracy

from a historical point of view, almost all political struggles, at least in their mottos and sketches of their political objectives, chanted democratic slogans and represented the paradigms of a democratic society as a requisite to encourage supporters and to recruit parties. Atop of all the currents dazzles the Left movement. History tells us that the outcome was the most atrocious model of dictatorship that ever fought under the banner of emancipating man from class and political totalitarian systems.

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Hojat Zamani Was A Terrorist

After the reports came up on execution of Hojat Zamani, the old breathless system of MKO started to work and the leaders of this group who now felt a new blood in their bodies didn’t know how to express their happiness; in this regard, MKO and those tied to it are competing in raising the position of Hojat Zamani.

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Terrorism is Terrorists does

In the Iranian Diaspora that followed 1980, members and supporters of MEK spread throughout the Western World. In Canada, members of the group have earnestly solicited funds and preserved links with Canada’s anachronistic Marxist community. They have also attacked the Iranian embassy in Ottawa, as part of a coordinated assault on 13 embassies in Europe and the Americas.

Still, MEK has done itself few favours over the years. Its main base is still in exile in Iraq, and depends on the generosity of Saddam Hussein

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Open Letter to Human Rights Watch

Any crime can have four distinguishing characteristics. The first is totally related to the criminals and the others are based on that. The second is related to the victim of the criminals, the third relates to the defenders of human rights who have taken on the task and duty of exposing the crimes of these criminals, and the fourth relates to international public opinion and the international conscience to judge according to the findings and the reports produced by the defenders of these victims of crimes.

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Alen Cheuvalrias interviewed Mr. Banisadr- Part one

A day after the June 28th bombing at Islamic Republic Party, Masud Rajavi’s men returned to me. I told them that I wanted to write a statement to reveal this terrorist action. They assured me that they had no interference in this one. …Before leaving Iran, we signed a contract. It was based on three principals: political pluralism, individuals’ liberty and national independence. I had presented detailed explanation for each of these principals..

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On The Cult of Rajavi

Rajavi fled to Paris in disguise. There, he established the National Council of Resistance in Iran, the political umbrella of the Mujahedeen aka MKO/MEK/PMOI. In 1986, the French began forging ties with Khomeini and kicked out Rajavi and his squads of assassins, who ran into the arms of Saddam Hussein. Hussein had been welcoming the Mujahedeen for several years. (Many Mujahedeen political supporters did stay on in France as political refugees.) Rajavi, in return, betrayed his own countrymen, identifying Iranian military targets for Iraq to bomb, a move most Iranians will never forgive..The coup de grâce that metamorphosed the party into something more like a husband-and-wife-led cult was Massoud’s spectacular theft of his colleague’s wife

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