MKO; Ideology Vs Ideology

Proud of their ideology and dedicated to their ideological revolutions, MEK (Mujahedin-e-Khalq )/MKO/PMOI leaders represent the most recent version of a criminal closed ideology believers who view their dissidents as victims who should be eliminated . They never see their opponents as a minority that they can tolerate or deal with moderately. ..

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Masud Rajavi Married every woman of the Leadership Council

(Memoirs of Batoul Soltani – Part 20)..Any woman who wants to enter the Leadership Council should obey the article B of the Ideological Revolution, which was actually related to “Joining the leader”. In this article the women are told to marry Masud Rajavi as soon as they are accepted in the Leadership Council.. .through a series of long-term meetings, the members of the Leadership council are convinced that the extent of their relation with the leader has changed due to their presence in the Leadership Council

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MAHVASH SEPEHRI( NASRIN), who is the second woman in women commanding section after MARYAM RAJAVI and known as prestige demolisher. Actually she is MARYAM RAJAVI’s replacement and her deputy. ..she was helping Maryam Rajavi in theorizing the ideological revolution to make it easier for brainwashing the members of this cult. she was in charge of sending too many operational teams to Iran..SEPEHRI was in charge of the horrifying gathering and sessions called and known as (DIG) which in English version means pot and boiler. In those sessions all the members had to participate and it was totally compulsory and forcibly

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Rajavi, a disseminator of cultic dogma

In the ideological revolution of Mojahedin[PMOI/MKO/MEK], a phase transforming a political group into a cult of personality, many factors exploited by cult leaders to immunize them against challenges are traceable. Cult leaders make an attempt to convince members that they are endowed with a god-like status and unearthly power in foreseeing future events, a window that is totally closed for followers to see through.

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MR.ABRISHAMCHI is the second important personality in the male command section after MASSOUD RAJAVI in PMOI..He is ex- husband of MARYAM AZDANLO[Maryam Rajavi], who got divorced to get married to MASSOUD RAJAVI in an ideological event, which is known as the ideological revolution…This man is very dangerous for European people especially French and Americans. While the catastrophic event of 9/11 happened in USA, MR ABRISHAMCHI congratulated MASSOUD RAJAVI and MARYAM RAJAVI (AZDANLO) in the big gathering of PMOI/MKO/MEK in Iraq.

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The role-play of catalysts in the Cult of Mojahedin

In MKO/PMOI, a notorious cultic group already blacklisted as a terrorist cult, a number of experienced early members play the role of catalysts. In the phase of the ideological revolution of Mojahedin, they played a key role in stabilizing the status of Rajavi as a leader. Their so-called letters of ideological revolution addressing MKO/PMOI/MEK members had a dual role. On the one hand, they elaborated on the contents of the ideological revolution and Rajavi’s determining role in the history of MKO and on the other hand, they convinced members to follow the catalysts in recognizing the cultic and ideological leadership of Rajavi.

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MKO’s silence on the separation of a leadership cadre

Another factor highlighting the significance of her[Mrs.Batool Soltani] statements is that they may work to persuade other MKO/PMOI members to break their silence on the critical issue of the ideological revolution of Mojahedin. Before, some factors like resorting deliberately to passivity and refraining to pose challenges to the organization in order not to be put under the attack of terror of personality were stated on the reasons why MKO ex-members have kept quiet on the issue of the ideological revolution while the fact is that merely grabbing at biography writing is of no effect and fails to present a challenge for Mojahedin; on the contrary, it is welcome by Mojahedin who aim to cover the facts on the real nature of their cultist relations the uncovering of which is a terrible nightmare coming true for them.

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Cult leaders accountable to nobody- Part 2

Cult leaders grab at all means and levers to stabilize their position within cults in a manner of naccountability to members; a feature leading finally to fascism and individual leadership…Rajavi did so to conceal the apparent contradiction between the fulfillment of ideological objectives of Mojahedin as reflected in the early organizational principles of MKO/PMOI/MEK and the consequences of his self-fabricated ideological revolution.

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Cult leaders accountable to nobody

This is the very prominent feature of Mojahedin[MKO/PMOI/MEK] leadership particularly after the development of the ideological revolution that aimed at the legitimization of the idea that the ideological leadership of Rajavi would be no longer accountable to anybody. In addition, it was assumed that faultfinding with Rajavi would be a great and unforgivable sin. The study of the background and reasons of the occurrence of this feature in cult relations from a historical and theoretical point of view may give us a better understanding of the issue.

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The instrumental misuse of MKO history

Rajavi owes his leadership to a number of factors among which misusing and manipulating the history of the organization and its founders is of utmost significance paving the way for imposing Rajavi on the organization and expansion of his authoritarian leadership therein. ..the main part of this process has been taken place since 1985 when Rajavi used the ideological revolution as an instrument to stabilize his totalitarian and egocentric leadership within MKO/PMOI/MEK

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