A Call To Disclose Cult Abnormalities

More than two decades ago when Massoud Rajavi informed of the great change and ideological revolution within Mojahedin Khalq Organization /MKO/PMOI/MEK, still believing to be active as a political group, hardly anybody first came to assume that it was actually the beginning of a long path leading the organization into the abyss of internal and external challenges.

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MKO and Batinis, two cults with identical projects of sterilization

The disclosing speech of Nasrin Ebrahimi in the European Parliament on the latest cult approach of MKO in making women infertile, as another phase of the ideological revolution of Mojahedin, gives a clear picture of cultic malevolent practices committed within the cult of Mojahedin… Having another look at the numerous similarities found between the approaches adopted by MKO leaders and those of notorious historical cults may clarify the real cultic nature of MKO.

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Organisational Divorces within PMOI

After the defeat of Mujahedin in its terrorist operations, including the operation dubbed as “Eternal Light” , the leadership in order to cover up its own weaknesses and failed strategy, declared that the reason for the weaknesses of MKO/PMOI forces was the lack of devotion and in order to remove this deficiency, it declared a series of ideological revolutions and required from the members to cut themselves from all the physical and psychological attachments in order to increase their capabilities to combat the enemy

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Instillation of Hatred in the Cult of Mujahedin

cult leaders unit members and gave them enemies to hate and comrades to love but love towards other members is replaced by hatred and disgust to prevent the formation of dissidence and objection within the cult…Many MKO/PMOI ex-members point out that they had to express their hatred to their relatives, friends and even their parents in order to pass the phases of the ideological revolution of the Mujahedin. The more hatred they showed to outsiders, the more loyal they proved to be to the leader

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Who cares about children in the cult of Rajavi?

Texas officials took 416 children from a polygamist retreat into state custody ..The parents in the sect are accused of being manipulated as it is normal in all sects such as MKO / PMOI where after the Ideological Revolution the spouses were indoctrinated manipulated and eventually forced to divorce and in 1990 during the first Gulf War, they were forced to leave their children under the care of the organization.

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A Cult Technique to Crush Antagonism

Being a cult of personality and susceptible to schism especially after the coupe d’état-like internal ideological revolution, MKO, facing increasing internal challenges, concocted excuses mainly to confront dissidents that could possibly nurture schism….The technique of eliciting confessions was practiced in collective gatherings and the members were forced to admit to their antagonistic and contradictory outlook not only about the leadership but also about other organizational issues

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The Cultic Change Enforced Through Letters

in a systematic fashion of letter writing, they began to write open letters of congratulation to the newly wed Rajavis, and Massoud Rajavi himself in particular, for the heroic move and the initiated new phase in MKO. A look at the countless volume of these letters, known as the letters of ideological revolution, with identical themes of expressing total devotion to the leadership and his novel ideological revolution well indicates the Mujahedin Khalq organization’s resort to crafts to subjugate its own insiders

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A delegation from the British Moslem community visited the Nejat Society in Tehran

The seven members of the delegation each represented a British Moslem establishment which totally covers a good deal of Moslem community in Britain. After the members of delegation heard the report of the MKO activities they emphasised that they are aware of the ideas and actions of the MKO and their so-called”Ideological Revolution”and find them contrary to the Islamic teachings.

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Dwindling of MKO’s Social Prestige

Rajavi’s hurried and unreasoning resort to armed phase followed by an illogically drawn timetable of short-term toppling of Iranian regime heavily affected the internal and external relations of Mojahedin. The third factor that forced the organization to cling to the alternate of the ideological revolution was the gradual dwindling of its social prestige and legitimacy

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Who Are True Believers in MKO?

In such a system you are either a critic, who is a traitor in their opinion, or a true believer as Hoffer explains. True believers are in fact those who set themselves on fire without question.Quoting Rajavi, Shahsavandi asserted that after the ideological revolution nothing could be included in the organization’s fixed bipolar thought

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