Women, Objects of a Similar Reactionary Vision in Al-Qaeda and MKO

Following its internal ideological revolution, MKO partly surfaced its ideologically based value standpoint on women. Annihilation of family foundations inside the organization, forced divorces, escalation of hatred among espouses and encouraging them to remain celibate for the rest of their lives were all unprecedented achievements that Rajavi, as Mojahedin’s modern revolutionary leader, enforced.

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Cult leaders extent of misuse of their members

Cult leaders need obedient followers as the tools they use to push forward their violent ideological agenda. And in this way those who do or even could pose a threat to the execution of such orders, and especially who pose any threat to the position of the leader should be, and usually are, the first victims to be got rid of and silenced. This is particularly evident at every point of history of the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation following the Internal Ideological Revolution which began in 1985 and evolved to its peak with forced divorces

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The Least Required Qualifications for the Custody of Iraqi Children

Maryam Rajavi’s announced readiness to take care of 1,000 Iraqi orphans and pay for all their expenses in Camp Ashraf is supposed to be a bid to attain certain political interests and especially to strengthen her group’s foothold in Iraqi soil. Hardly can it be considered a humanitarian move since Mojahedin’s phased ideological revolution had already targeted destabilizing relative emotional attachments

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Morphology of Terrorism, Cult, and Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization (part 4)

After ideological revolution in MKO, leadership was considered as the zenith of the organization that, emphasized in inter-organizational meetings, had to be obeyed blindly and whose superiority could never be questioned. Such a leader is only accountable to God. In other words, he is regarded as the vicegerent of God. Mahdi Abrishamchi describes the position of leader as follows:

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MKO and 9/11

These ex-members have further stated that Rajavi had ordered to show the videotaped explosion of the Twine Towers again and again. They say that Maryam Rajavi once referred to Muhammad Ata’s will, one of the agents of the 9/11 incident, wherein he had banned women’s attendance at his tomb and stated his aversion to family and children, and said that Al-Qaeda and the perpetrators of the 9/11 incident have a far better understanding of MKO’s ideological revolution than those inside the Camp Ashraf

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The Operation Eternal Light, a Product of Hegemony

The ideological revolution, in fact, legitimized Rajavi’s perpetual hegemony that was deep rooted in the organization’ structure and which was invisibly practiced by its first charismatic leader Hanifnejad. Tinctured with sacredness, the pillars of hegemony would be stabilized and ended any further wrangling. The main core of Mojahedin’s ideological revolution was to solve the issue of leadership. It could put an end to a problem known to be the Achilles’ heel in most contemporary revolutions and movements

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Why ‘freedom of thought’ is a sin in the Mojahedin?

..Why ‘freedom of thought’ is a sin in the Mojahedin?…the”Second Phase of the Ideological Revolution”in 1989, married couples and children were separated from one another in a bid to divert all personal love and affection towards the Ideological Leaders Massoud and Maryam Rajavi…..Inside Ashraf Camp the refectories were separated, men and women would not sit in the same car, and even the petrol station had separate timetables for men and women ..

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