Camp Ashraf Affairs

MKO leaders prevent the repatriation of MKO members

Senior deputy of Iraqi Interior Ministry: Many individuals imprisoned at Camp Ashraf are willing to return to Iran including 70 of them who have announced their willingness to return but the leaders of this group prevent them. Hadi Adnan Alasadi in an interview with governmental newspaper Al-Sabah expressed that: MEK’s/MKO/PMOI presence in Iraq is illegal because of its terrorist nature organization and its violent history

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MKO members to be relocated from Iraq

… The Iraqi authorities have said they intend to resettle all 36 to other countries once suitable arrangements are in place. They had been detained under a combination of charges related to the violence at the camp on 28 July 2009 and immigration violations …

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Human shield in defense of Ashraf

(An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – a précis of parts 27-28)- The human shield was one of the opted options; mass suicides could effectively frustrate any effort that aimed at dismantling the integrity of Ashraf. It included any other threat like forced entry of American or coalition forces to temporarily close or deactivate the camp. Our first choice to resist against intruders had to be using non-firing weapons; needless to say that the organization actually made no resistance against the American forces and succeeded to take the control and hegemony of the camp in its own hands..

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A golden opportunity for Iraqi government

It is evident that Ashraf residents have not been aware of the inevitability of leaving Camp Ashraf and the lack of a host country. However, nowadays that some of these limitations have been removed and genuine information is given to Ashraf residents by Iraqi officials, MKO members have been aware of the past news censorship inside the organization and the reality based on which they have to leave Ashraf but have nowhere to relocate in.

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US support terrorists in Iraq, breaches security pact

A Washington call on Baghdad to go easy on a terrorist group has sparked outrage among a number of Iraqi parties, who deem it in violation of an interim security pact signed between the two states..Adnan al-Seraj, the head of the Center for Iraq Media Development, on Wednesday described the US embassy’s support for the MKO as an apparent violation of the principle of the Washington-Baghdad security pact, and called for the immediate expulsion of MKO/MEK/PMOI members.

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Iraqi MP: Baghdad won’t let U.S. return to Camp Ashraf

Muhammad al-Hamidawi from the Fadila Islamic Party approved a pressure from US to resettle US military forces at Mujahedin headquarters in Al-Khalis. He emphasized that most political and parliamentary groups and fractions will prevent such act and the Iraqi government will not surrender to Washington’s illegal demands…He also said that MKO cannot stay in Iraq and the only thing that delays their expulsion is ‘time’

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Requisite interaction between Iraq and quitters of MKO

The recent events in camp Ashraf shows that the Iraqi government has to use parallel levers beside the legal ones in order to control Mojahedin and set its members free from the cultic relations..The interviews with MKO former members and their eyewitnesses have convinced Iraqi officials that MKO/MEK/PMOI like other cultic groups welcomes any violent reaction as a strategic issue. .The information provided by these separated members helps Iraqi officials to recognize the objectives pursued by MKO leaders ..

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Organized Violence at Camp Ashraf

MEK despite what its leaders claim, has never followed a peaceful option to achieve its goals. Massoud Rajavi, like Stalin, divided the world to two groups:”With MEK and Against MEK”[MKO/PMOI]; he isolated the organization behind the barbed wires so no idea or no individual is able to get in or out..The culture of violence is not only included in physical violence but also in verbal violence. The physical violence is based on verbal violence.

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Hunger strike, the comedy still on the scene

As the MKO’s propaganda claims, on September 5th, the doctors recommended about 15 participants to stop their hunger strike because they were going to reach the unreturnable point! If the claim had been true, at least a number of those participants would have died until now, but there have been no news on the death of any of those participants yet. The current situation shows that the few people who were on hunger strike, were just playing a dramatic show..The criminal leaders of MKO terrorist cult defeated in their new show

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Second Report on Camp Ashraf and Mojahedin-e Khalq in Iraq

… The MKO is currently demanding that U.S. Army or the U.N. take control of Camp Ashraf from the GOI. Following publication of the RAND Report it should be the duty of the U.S. Army to help and facilitate in any way possible the immediate closure of Camp Ashraf and the removal of the MKO personnel from Iraq. The more help given by the U.S. to achieve this, the more … although the MKO has been de-proscribed, at its own behest, as a terrorist group in Europe, no western country is willing to offer asylum to the individuals — even though 1015 MKO members have a passport or residence permit

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