Camp Ashraf Affairs

Call for an end to MKO hunger strike

The Archbishop of Canterbury has called for an end to a hunger strike outside the US Embassy in London by supporters of the terrorist Mujahedeen-e-Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI)… Residents of the camp claim that an Iraqi raid there in July left several people dead. The demonstrators in London, meanwhile, are asking Washington to reclaim responsibility for Camp Ashraf.. The US military officially turned control of the camp — which houses MKO members regarded by NATO forces as protected under the Geneva Conventions — to the new Iraqi government on January, 2009.

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Dr. Rowan William support for Saddam’s Private army

… The People’s Mujahedeen, an Islamic movement, was founded in 1965 in opposition to the shah of Iran. It has subsequently fought to oust the clerical regime which took power in the 1979 Islamic revolution. The group set up Camp Ashraf in the 1980s — when former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was at war with Iran — as a base to operate against the Tehran government … Williams, who met a group of Ashraf supporters last week, urged protesters in Britain to end their hunger strike in support of the camp residents..

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Camp Ashraf – Mojahedin Khalq – UK says Geneva Convention does not apply

… Our view remains that the residents of Camp Ashraf are not entitled to ‘protected persons’ status as the Fourth Geneva Convention ceased to apply in Iraq after 28 June 2004, following the end of active hostilities and occupation … Our ambassador in Iraq has written to the Iraqi authorities to ask for a review into the recent events at the camp. Officials from our embassy in Baghdad are continuing to follow developments, and will shortly undertake a further visit to the camp.

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Hunger Strike: Idiot Behavior or Negative Reaction

Imposing hunger strike on Ashraf residents is a reality. It is a being which is now showing off in Camp Ashraf but it is not a truth..In fact, Rajavi believed that terrorist acts should be led in MEK manner under its coherent organizational system, and then the objectives would be better achieved.. During the meeting he tried to combine the violent acts of Usama Bin Laden with MEK’s[MKO/PMOI] terrorist trends, to conclude his own plan..

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U.S. will stick to plan for Iraq pullout

The United States expects to keep to its plan to withdraw combat forces from Iraq within a year despite a spate of bomb attacks, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq said on Thursday.”During this year we’ll ensure that our troops are withdrawn on schedule, by the president’s timetable,”U.S. Ambassador Christopher Hill told the House Foreign Affairs Committee. In their place would be a”strong healthy relationship between the U.S. and Iraq,”he said…President Barack Obama has set a deadline of August 2010 for the removal of U.S. combat forces..

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Sha’aban Izakian Family Worry about the fate of their son residing in Ashraf

During the visit, the brother asked about the situation of Ashraf residents. One of the defectors explained the current situation ruling the cult in Camp Ashraf while the old mother was listening to him carefully. Then she began talking of her memoirs of his son “Musa”. After, she listened to what others said about the actual condition of Camp Ashraf and the recent incidents; she got so upset and worried about the fate of her son who hasn’t contacted them for years.

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MEK as Human bargaining chips in deals with Iran

This is not the first time that the MEK has served as a bargaining chip in Middle Eastern politics. The group was placed on the U.S. list of terrorist organizations in 1997 at a time when the Clinton administration hoped the move would facilitate opening a dialogue with Iran and its newly elected president,who was seen as a moderate..Those at Camp Ashraf, including around 1,000 women, have become, in effect, bargaining chips in the complicated relationship between the United States, Iraq and Iran. ..

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As US Eases Out, Iraq Takes Control of Terrorist Camp

The deadly melee at Camp Ashraf, the base of the People’s Mujahedeen Organization of Iran, provides a glaring example of what can go wrong as the U.S. military scales back ..Camp Ashraf and the presence of the Iranian exile group have long been a source of friction between Washington and Baghdad..The group _ also known by its Farsi name the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq _ is the militant wing of the Paris-based National Council of Resistance of Iran. It carried out a series of bloody bombings and assassinations in Iran ..

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The fall of Ashraf: Collapse of Rajavi’s strategy

Liberation Army and Camp Ashraf were introduced by Rajavi as the symbols of the new strategy. Considering that Rajavi was always seeking for manipulating the members’ minds, labeled all his acts as ideological; he claimed himself as ideological leader; his so called Liberation Army was also the ideological aspect of his strategy..The last step of Iraqi government to inform Rajavi that he can’t stay in Iraq any more, was the takeover of Iraqi security by Iraqi forces but Rajavi still forces his members to maintain Camp

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MKO former member open letter to Vidal-Quadras

I am responding to your recent speeches in the European Parliament..Do you have any idea what your Rajavi has done to us? The beatings, humiliation, swearing and constant mental pressure aimed at anyone who wants to leave, or even to say anything critical of what Rajavi has ever said. Where you then? Why has no one asked any international human rights organization to come and visit Ashraf independently?

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