Camp Ashraf Affairs

Nejat Society Azarbayjan Branch letter to ICRC

number of defectors of Mujahedin Khalq Organization who were assisted by the respectful authorities of ICRC to return home, declare their position on recent incidents in Camp Ashraf where a group of members have been victimized by MEK leaders’ Machiavelli’s tricks to violate international and Iraqi laws..we ask your Excellency to provide the possibility for the return of those physically and mentally captured ones in Camp Ashraf.

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Pro-Baath Group Opposes Calls for MKO Expulsion

An Iraqi group with records of cooperation with Iraq’s former Baath regime announced that it supports presence of the anti-Iran terror group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) inside Iraq.The Habilian website reported that the group, Islamic al-Sadr Society, which formed in Lebanon’s southern city of Tyre in 2002 announced in a statement that it supports MKO’s stay inside Iraq..

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A clash at Camp Ashraf left 11 MEK members Camp Ashraf dead

Iraq’s Shiite-dominated government now has good relations with Iran and little enthusiasm for the MEK. The Americans are at best ambivalent. The group, which some consider a cult, is on the American terrorism list for attacks against the United States (in the distant past) and more recently against Iran…Residents are barred from resettling in many third countries because of the group’s terrorist designation. Finding a solution will not be easy..

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The Continuing Story of Camp Ashraf

Unfortunately for the PMOI, it was categorized as a terrorist organization by the Bill Clinton administration. It continues to carry this designation in the US, although the designation was removed by the European Union earlier in 2009. On top of this label, which has certainly isolated the NCRI and PMOI from potential support among certain elements of the US power structure.. the PMOI is asking one of the greatest human rights violators in Iraq and elsewhere around the world–the US government–to protect them

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MEK: The Peril of Paradox in American Middle East Policy

The shifting paradoxes would continue, as the MEK established a headquarters at Camp Ashraf in Iraq, largely under American and Israeli protection. The one-time adversaries of both Persian monarchy and its American military and intelligence allies, had now become a tool of the United States and the Europeans against the Islamic theocratic regime they helped to usher in 3 decades ago..the U. S. State Department continues to maintain a place for the MEK on its terrorism blacklist, as does the European Union…

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A report of purges within MKO- part two

in a letter addressed to Christopher George of Human Rights Watch/Middle East entitled Human Rights Abuse in Rajavi’s cult, Nowrooz Ali Rezvani, a disaffected and former member of MKO/MEK,PMOI, presented documented reports of many physical and psychological mistreatments of the members by the leaders within the organization..The following is a detailed and proven list of engineering operations plotted in years 1981 to 1994 in an attempt to purge some members for certain organizational reasons..

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MKO Leaders Forcing Members into Hunger Strike

Leaders of the anti-Iran terrorist group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI), force the group members into hunger strike in a bid to exert pressure on the world public opinion and international bodies.Reports from inside the camp said that the move by the MKO leaders is aimed at securing their stay inside Camp Ashraf (now known as the Camp of New Iraq) – the MKO’s main training center ..

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Iraqi government bound to expel MKO

There are two reasons why MKO group cannot stay in Iraq: from the legal point of view these persons are terrorists and the Iraqi government does not have the right to let them stay in Iraq, and the political reason is that the MKO/MEK/PMOI members have perpetrated criminal acts against the Iraqi nation, Mohsen Hakim told the Mehr News Agency on Tuesday.

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Is Jordan the next option for MKO settlement?

following the collapse of the camp Ashraf, which was based for many years in Iraq to bring members of the”People’s Mojahedin Organization”(hypocrites) together, the leaders of the terrorist organization, are thinking of transition from Iraq to another Arab country. .Maryam Rajavi has recently traveled to Jordan to take permission from the Jordanian authorities and demand the officials of the country to accept the members of the MKO in Jordan.

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The raid to Ashraf could leave Iran cheering

Reports out of Iraq say government troops have raided the Mujahedeen-e Khalq Camp. Though the MEK /MKO/PMOI has long been recognized as a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department, its members housed in Camp Ashraf just north of Baghdad had been placed under U.S. protection ..Scholars and human-rights activists have long accused the organization of functioning like a religious cult, employing brainwashing techniques, ideological cleansings, forced celibacy (except when it comes to the Rajavis themselves), and even torture to condition its members to absolute obedience..

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