Camp Ashraf Affairs

SIIC rep :Many MKO members ask to return home

Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council (SIIC) representative in Tehran Mohsen Hakim said a large number of Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) have asked to return home. In an interview with Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA), Hakim pointed out to Iraqi Tuesday attack over Camp Ashraf and said Iraqi forces took over the camp’s security since January 1st and then delivered the whole responsibility of the camp

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Camp Ashraf attack was the MKO criminals ending

pointing out the recent attack on camp Ashraf Secretary General of Habilian Association said: This is the end of criminal MKO work because Americans have abandoned them too… MUjahedin wanted to impose their conditions on the Iraqi government, but no country would be ready to allow a part of its soil be occupied by a number of terrorists.

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Diala police commander: Iraqi forces control Camp Ashraf without any violence

Iraqi police forces are entirely in control of camp Ashraf where the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MKO/MEK) lives, the Diala province’s police commander said on Thursday.. Yesterday, Iraqi forces engaged with PMOI’s elements when the Organization’s operatives prevented the troops from entering Camp Ashraf territory..The PMOI has had thousands of its members for many years in bases in Iraq, but they were disarmed in the wake of the 2003 U.S.-led invasion ..

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Iraq changes name of MKO’s Camp Ashraf

Iraqi authorities changed the name of a training base of the anti-Iran terrorist group, Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI), after seizing full control of the camp.”Camp Ashraf’s name has been changed to Camp of New Iraq, after the Iraqi security forces assumed full security of the camp,”Political Adviser of the head of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council (SIIC) Mohsen al-Hakim told FNA on Friday.

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Dabbagh: MKO snipers killed two members

Seven members of an anti-Iranian terrorist group have been confirmed dead during two-day Iraqi raids on Ashraf Camp in northern Baghdad.. “Five of them threw themselves in front of Iraqi police vehicles,” Dabbagh said. “That’s not death by shooting but by rioting.” he added:”Dabbagh says MKO snipers killed two others when they tried to flee the camp housing 3,500 Iranian dissidents”..

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Iraqi Police Storm Ashraf – US ‘closely monitoring’ situation at Camp Ashraf

“We continue to monitor the situation closely to ensure the residents of Camp Ashraf are treated in accordance with Iraq’s written assurances that it will treat the residents there humanely,”Kelly told reporters at his daily press briefing in Washington on Tuesday.”This is in accordance with the constitution, laws, and international obligations of Iraq,”he said.

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Who are the MKO and why did Iraqi forces storm their camp?

Iraq flexes its muscles at Camp Ashraf and shows military independence from America, as the Iranian exile group’s long strange trip draws to a close..Camp Ashraf, the object of the raid, has been the principal home of the MKO since the Iranian group allied itself with Saddam Hussein in the 1980s, receiving weapons and training from his regime. Hussein used them as shock-troops against Iraqi Kurds and Shiites who rose up against his regime in the 1990s.

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LA Times : Iraq says raid on militant group’s camp wasn’t Iran’s idea

The Iraqi government refuted suggestions today that Iranian pressure had prompted a raid on a camp belonging to an Iranian opposition group, saying that Iraqi security forces are merely seeking to extend sovereignty over all Iraqi territory…The Mujahedin Khalq (MEK), a militant group that has long opposed the Iranian government, claimed that seven of its members died in clashes with Iraqi security forces after Iraqi police attempted to

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Iraqi Police Storm Ashraf – Iraq police clash anew with Iran rebel camp residents

Clashes flared for a second day on Wednesday between Iraqi security forces and residents of a camp housing Iran’s main exiled opposition, a day after violence left two policemen dead.Around 420 people were also wounded after Iraqi soldiers stormed the camp on Tuesday, sparking unrest that prompted the deployment of riot police to quell resistance from Camp Ashraf’s residents.

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Iraqi Police Storm Ashraf – Iraqi forces storm MKO camp

On Tuesday, Iraqi soldiers and riot police stormed Camp Ashraf, where Mojahedin Khalq Organization[PMOI/MKO/MEK] members had been based, triggering violent clashes that left at least 260 people injured.Iraqi officials say clashes broke out as they were trying to establish a police post in the camp..An Iraqi army spokesman in Diyala said two battalions of 400 soldiers each plus 200 riot police took part in Tuesday’s operation, which was ordered by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s office.

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