Camp Ashraf Affairs

Mojahedin Khalq had taken over a building belonging to the Iraqi army

An Iranian opposition group said Monday that Iraqi troops tightened their siege of a camp north of Baghdad ..The People’s Mujahedeen said Iraqi troops have prevented food and fuel from reaching Camp Ashraf for the past six days ..Iraqi national security adviser Mouwaffak al-Rubaie branded the allegations”totally baseless.”He said People’s Mujahedeen members had taken over a building belonging to the Iraqi army and were preventing soldiers from entering it.

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Iraqi Forces Blockading Iranian Opposition Camp

The Mojahedin-e Khalq, or People’s Mujahedeen of Iran, said the blockade of Camp Ashraf began Thursday. In late January, Iraq’s National Security Advisor Mouwaffak al-Rubaie said the group must leave Iraq within two months. He added the decision to close the camp, home to about 3,500 people, was irreversible.

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Camp Ashraf leaders prevent the entry of survey team

The Iraq’s national security advisor, on Friday, said that the leadership of camp Ashraf prevented the entry of survey team of the Ministry of Human Rights who were supposed to perform their duty to identify options for the inhabitants either to return to Iran, or to select a third country.. leadership of the camp is still authoritarian and confiscated the freedom of the residents of the camp , preventing the entry of the Ministry of Human Rights’ survey team to identify options for the inhabitants

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Why is Rajavi holding onto Camp Ashraf?

Rajavi’s problems have their roots in his tying Mojahedin destiny to the existence of Camp Ashraf; however, it was so at a time when Saddam was the dictator leader of Iraq and as Rajavi repeatedly asserted in his meetings with Saddam and Iraqi officials, he was out-and-out hopeful to Saddam and their ideological and even family ties and relations. Upon entering Iraq, Rajavi called his settlement there a historical event paving the way for immediate overthrow of the Iranian government. Now, after 20 years he still insists on his never-achieved promise and idea that Iraqi soil is the sole solution for furthering his so-called liberating war.

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Iranian Exiles, Iraq Govt Trade Accusations over Camp

… “The Iraqi government received the families and facilitated their arrival and they were taken to the reception halls but the leaders at the camp refused to let the relatives see their families,” National security adviser Mowaffaq al-Rubaie said…The fate of Camp Ashraf’s 3,500 residents has been in the air since Iraq took it over from US forces this year.

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Iraq stands by anti-MKO drive

Iraq says it is standing by a decision to shut down Camp Ashraf and end the terrorist Mujehedin Khalq Organization’s presence on Iraqi soil. “MKO members who are residing in Camp Ashraf (inside Iraq) should either leave Iraq for Iran or a third country because they won’t be granted permission to stay in Iraq,”Iraq’s National security Advisor, Mowaffak Al-Rubaie said in a televised interview with Al-Alam TV network on Sunday.

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Joint committees formed to receive Ashraf Camp detainees

… The committee in charge of ending the presence of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization [MKO] in Iraq has held a periodic meeting under National Security Adviser Dr Muwaffaq al-Rubay’i and in the presence of the minister of human rights and the US ambassador to Iraq. Al-Rubay’i stressed the need to expel this organization from Iraq …

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EU will take Mojahedin Khalq back to Europe

There is now a new attitude in Europe towards the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization. God willing, the European states will reach a solution according to which they will accept them there. This group’s stay in Iraq is no longer accepted by the people and government. I can tell you that the leadership of this group committed big mistakes in the past. It cooperated with the dictatorial regime in the fight against the Kurds and the Shi’is in the central and southern regions.

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Iraq resolute to expel MKO despite EU decision

Baghdad is determined over expulsion of the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI) from Iraq despite the EU decision to remove the group from its blacklist, the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council (SIIC) political adviser told ISNA on Monday..The MKO/PMOI/MEK is a terrorist organization under the UN and Security Council resolutions before and after the 11 September attacks and according to Iraq’s constitutions support for terrorism is prohibited and illegal, he added. The members of MKO are neither war captives nor refugees thus have no legal position in Iraq, he explained.

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