Camp Ashraf Affairs

Iraq plans to close Iranian dissidents’ border camp

Independent visitors to Camp Ashraf report that the inmates live in segregated barracks-style rooms. The International Committee for the Red Cross says several hundred former MEK members have left Camp Ashraf since 2003. The ICRC has helped more than 250 cross the border to Iran after conducting private interviews with each to ensure they are going voluntarily…

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Iraq to close camp for Iranian dissidents and expel inmates

IRAQ PLANS to close a camp for Iranian dissidents who used to cross into Iran to mount assassinations and sabotage – a decision that has sharpened political differences between Baghdad and Washington. Camp Ashraf, about 130km north of Baghdad, came under Iraqi control yesterday in a broad security handover that forms part of the US withdrawal agreement concluded late last year….

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Conclusive declaration of the Peres et Evener

Conclusive declaration of the Peres et Evener(Ancient Iran, Glorious Future) on the occasion of Iraq government Confirmation in shutting down of the ASHRAF Garrison and supporting such an action..We, the separated members and the victims of this in humane cult who have lost our pride of life under the captivity and detention of the cult[MKO/PMOI/MEK] operatives and conductors. So that, we had been under the worst psychological and physical tortures.

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Iraq to close MKO camp in Iraq

Iraq has decided to shut down the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI) Ashraf Camp as soon as possible, expel the MKO members from Iraq and close their file forever, said a senior Iraqi official. Political advisor of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), Muhsin Al-Hakim exclusively told IRNA that Baghdad considered the MKO as a terrorist group.

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Iraq to take over security control at Iranian opposition camp

The Iraqi government will take over security responsibility for Iranian opposition Camp Ashraf on Jan. 1 when the U.S.-Iraqi security pact comes into force, a U.S. embassy statement said on Monday..It said that the U.S. troops”will continue to assist the Government of Iraq in carrying out its assurances of humane treatment of the residents of Camp Ashraf.”

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Iraq seeks departure of Iranian opposition exiles

Iraq said on Wednesday it wants thousands of Iranian opposition exiles[PMOI/MKO/MEK] at a camp north of Baghdad to leave the country, although it does not plan to expel them by force. ..Baghdad and Washington both consider the exiles to be a terrorist group. .”The Iraqi government will deal with the people in this camp in a humane way and according to internationally adopted standards, the Iraqi constitution and Iraqi laws,”Iraqi government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said in a statement.

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MKO Ex-Member:US impeding efforts to shut Ashraf Camp

Several former members of the outlawed terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI/MEK) have accused the United States of hampering efforts to close the notorious Ashraf Camp in Iraq. ..Most of the Ashraf Camp residents are said to be willing to quit but are under pressure and torture not to do so. ..Sameti and other members of the Nejat Association are in London to lobby for their release. They have met members of the British House of Commons, government officials and human rights activists to raise their awareness about the misery in Ashraf Camp.

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A terrorist camp at the heart of Europe

Although Mojahedin/Mujahedin refrain to release information on their dwelling in Val d’Oise, the statements made by many MKO/PMOI/MEK former members living there implies that Mojahedin have managed to build another Camp Ashraf in France. ..The existing condition of Mojahedin now on the brink of being expelled from Iraq, maintained on the global terrorist lists, their failure to secure refugee status in other countries, as well as their widespread campaign and organized rallies in Geneva necessitate a more in-depth study of Auvers-Sur-Oise, the small town that houses a dormant terrorist organization and an active cult of personality.

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Auvers-Sur-Oise, the blind spot in the Val d’Oise

in spite of overexposure of Camp Ashraf, why Mojahedin(PMOI/MEK) keep silent on releasing the least amount of information on their main quarters in France where the leaders, on whom the survival and life of the cult depend, are residing and making decisions?…Few of the tourists are aware that the town is now home to an almost cult-like Iranian opposition group, some of whose members have divorced their spouses as an act of loyalty to the cause and whose armed wing is on the State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations. The group’s devotion to Mrs. Rajavi is so extreme that some members set themselves on fire when she was briefly detained by the French police two years ago..

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Mujahedin Bebehind the misinformation, disintegration

…The MKO misinformation serves a single purpose; to delay the disintegration of the group – an inevitable outcome which can be either facilitated or hindered by western governments and humanitarian agencies… The preservation of Camp Ashraf is essential to MKO/PMOI leader Massoud Rajavi because it provides the total isolation in which mind control methodology can be used for cult indoctrination.

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