Camp Ashraf Affairs

Camp Ashraf, a heavily controlled cult haven

Of the most common controlling techniques within MKO is that of collective control. Camp Ashraf plays an important role in keeping full all-out control over all members as well as carrying out brainwashing mechanisms. Strengthening security systems within Ashraf to prevent the members’ exit, resistance against transferring Mojahedin to other places and such activities imply the necessity of collective life for Mojahedin

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Ashraf – when is a city not a city?

the MKO’s military camp is now under the control of the Iraqi government. American forces handed it over this week. In spite of a deeply insulting scaremongering campaign by the MKO/ PMOI, which claimed that the Iraqis would stage a ‘Srebrenica-style massacre’ if they got their (dirty, barbaric) hands on the MKO / PMOI, the handover to Iraqi military personnel has gone ahead, as planned, without incident. The Iraqi government will now work with MNF and international agencies to find a satisfactory solution to the illegal presence of foreign terrorists in its territory.

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Members Reluctant To Continue Cooperation With MKO

Ever since Iraq came under the US occupation, one of the important issues for the Americans has been the way they should treat the Mujahedin Khalq / PMOI who had been operating as an arm of Saddam Hussein against Iran and against the Intifada as well as the political currents opposed to the Saddam regime in Iraq. From the very beginning of the occupation, the US let the MKO / PMOI and its forces stay inside their camps ..

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Iraq takes control of Camp Ashraf

After a five-year US military presence and the protection provided by them to the monafeqin in Camp Ashraf [a pejorative that means hypocrites and refers to the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO)], efforts by the Iraqi government have succeed. Yesterday evening, the Iraqi military was able to take over control of the camp.

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Iraqi army in control of Mojahedin Khalq camp

Iraq’s army has finally gained control of a camp holding anti-Iran terrorists after five years, says an Iraqi military official. ..The action came after the Iraqi government pressured the US forces in Iraq to end its support for the Mujahedin Khalq grroup and give the army control of the camp two months ago.

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Camp Ashraf is being handed over to Iraqi control

“the MKO, who are responsible for a lot of problems caused to the people and government of Iraq, are part of the former government of Iraq [Saddam’s regime] and the Iraqi govt has been adamant for some time now to expel them from the country….the first Iraqi batallion has been stationed around Camp Ashraf to take over control of the camp.

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Lord Colbert does not do his title justice

The case of Mojahedeen-e Khalg (MEK) showcases the ever present imperial influence of the West in defining the ‘other’ due to the ownership of language. The hypocrisy is stark given that the U.S. with the help of her ally the British waged a ‘war on terror’ which has resulted in the death of over a million people to date. Yet, a certain Lord Corbett of Castle Vale, a member of the House of Lords from Gordon Brown’s ruling Labor Party, has coauthored an opinion piece with Congressman Bob Filner …

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Camp Ashraf Countdown by Anne Singleton

…In a message issued in 2006, Mojahedin leader Massoud Rajavi set his cult members a deadline of January 2009 by which time he told them if the Mojahedin had not overthrown the Islamic Republic of Iran, then all the residents of Camp Ashraf would be free to stay or leave: “Anyone who wants may leave, and I will myself throw out all those who are worthless. I will keep the rest who are pure, and then, I will tell them what they can do for me”…

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Camp Ashraf – Mojahedin Khalq corralled by US Army in Iraq now killing own members

Since May 2003, up to 3,800 Iranian terrorist MKO combatants have been ostensibly disarmed and confined to Camp Ashraf by US Military Police, aided by a Bulgarian unit. In this time a Temporary International Presence Facility (TIPF) was also established alongside Camp Ashraf to house those who wanted to leave the MKO. Around 800 have since been processed through the TIPF, of whom around 500 have successfully accepted voluntary repatriation to Iran with the help of the ICRC …

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