Camp Ashraf Inhabitants

HR Minster confirms the removal of 100 MEK from Iraq

Sudani pointed out that”the transfer process was being interspersed with interviews of individual members by the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in order to ascertain their choice to voluntary return to their country of origin or to apply for asylum for any country in the world; this resulted in the transfer of some 100 of them to other countries”. Sudani warned that”the transfer of MEK aka MEK/PMOI members from one place to another part..

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Iraq deports 40 Mojahedin to Europe, as others moved to TTL

the transfer of 1,600 MEK aka MKO/PMOI members to Camp Liberty near Baghdad International Airport where the process of transfer was started in February.The Ministry noted that 40 members of the organization would be moved to Europe because they are nationals of countries in it. It was explained that Iraq’s security agencies were able to stop attempts to smuggle …

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Allow the survivors to testify against Rajavi cult

I am urging you to allow some of the separated members of this cult to come to USA and participate in these sessions and meetings specially in Washington to debate with the supporters of PMOI aka MKO/MEK and their lobbies face to face and testify about the real essence and entity of this cult in front of the US officials so truth and untruth can be revealed and clarified . I believe this is the best facility for you and the state department..

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U.N. Iraq chief: The countries of the world must take MEK refugees

The U.N. held a resettlement conference on March 27 in Geneva and the response was”not overwhelming, to say the least,”Kobler said…Part of the difficulty of dealing with the MEK group members at Camp Ashraf is that they have been cut off from the world for years”My message to these supporters is, spend your energies not so much on attacking the United Nations or others. Spend your energies to convince your governments to take them into your countries..

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MKO hostages unaware of their basic rights

UN’s representatives investigating the refugee status of Mujahedin-e Khalq elements in Iraq called these individuals’ unawareness of their most basic rights as “the main hurdle in determining their refugee status”.The report adds that although the process has not yet been started, the sporadic conversations of UN representatives with these individuals reveal that three decades of life in the Ashraf prison and Rajavi’s indoctrination sessions..

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Detach the Destiny of the Enslaved from Terrorists

Was it a thoughtful statement or for any untold reason, for outsiders Clinton’s remarks were somehow viewed as an indication that the US is close to removing the terrorist group from its blacklist. But inside the group, Mrs. Clinton’s words were grabbed at as an offer that led MKO under the delusion that now it had an upper hand for any bargain over the lives of the residing members at Ashraf. Maybe she was looking for a fast and peaceful solution ..

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What must be done to reach “liberty”?

What all entities are in agreement with is that the Ashraf inhabitants must enjoy the minimum of freedom. Will the individuals have the right to visit their close relatives in the new base? Will they have access to the outside world? Will they be able to think freely and decide for their own destiny? Will the brainwashing techniques still be in use? Will the families’ concern about their loved ones eventually be ended? Unfortunately those parties who praise the MKO ..

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Second stage of MKO’s relocation today

on Wednesday Oday Khadran was quoted by an Iraqi news agency as declaring: “tomorrow 400 other members will be expelled from Ashraf and transferred to Camp Liberty [Temporary Transit Location].”“The second stage of expulsion was due to be done last week, but because of some technical obstacles it was postponed,” Khadran said…The first step towards the relocation of the Mujahedin-e Khalq terrorist organization’s elements was taken in mid-February..

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U.K. ready to help re integrate up to fifty MKO members

The one British citizen we were aware was in Camp Ashraf has left and returned to the UK. Of the five Iranian residents of Camp Ashraf with valid UK refugee travel documents, four have left Camp Ashraf and arrived in the UK. The fifth is free to return to the UK so long as the refugee travel document remains valid. The UK has agreed to consider further the cases of the approximately 50 residents with previous residence in the UK as refugees ..

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