Camp Ashraf

Iran Interlink Fourth Report from Baghdad

Massoud Khodabandeh from Iran Interlink visited Baghdad over ten days during October 2014 to gather the latest information pertaining to the Mojahedin Khalq presence in Iraq. Events in Iraq have been changing rapidly with the Iraqi army and militia mounting an effective offensive campaign against Daesh*. This report …

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Iraq: Cadaver Found Near Camp Ashraf

An Iraqi security source said that a cadaver had been found near Camp Ashraf, the former military headquarters of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK, NCR and PMOI) located some 100 kilometers West of the Iranian border…n anonymous security source was quoted by Buratha news as saying that a shepherd…

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Terrorist MEK to be expelled from Iraq

The Conference was held in Al-Hakim Conference Centre in Baghdad University and hundreds of tribal leaders, University lecturers, Governmental representatives and officials, NGOs and media representatives filled the salon. Although Camp Ashraf and the MEK is an issue specific to the government and citizens of Iraq, the Conference organisers made sure to invite Western agencies, such as the UN, EU and diplomats who have claimed or expressed an interest in Camp Ashraf.

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Iraqi official to warn over violations in Camp Ashraf

In a Sunday statement, Iraqi National Security Advisor Mowaffaq al-Rubaie asked MKO/MEK/PMOI leaders to stop using”torture tactics”against members who want to leave the organization.”The MKO violates the freedom of speech in all possible ways. It does not even follow human rights when dealing with its own members,”the statement said.

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