The MEK as crisis mongers

The democracy Rajavi believes in

To clarify the type of democracy the MKO speaks of an example of their so-called pro- democracy acts should be noticed: Prior to the June23 gathering, several former members of the group staged a rally voice their resentment at the terrorist activities of the MKO ..The defectors rally was confronted by a number of MKO members wielding knives, snap-off blade cutters, chains and baseball bats..

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The recent actions of Rajavi’s gang in France

France now is on the eve of an important exam. Its governors should know that with the closure of the MeK’s main camp in Iraq, their country will be the center of this terrorist group- whether its individuals could take asylum or not, and Auvers-sur-Oise will be the center of their terrorist acts. So, the best option for France is following the Iraqi government to expel the MeK.

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Dealing with Terrorism Conundrum in Iraq

Neither exiles nor refugees, MKO is the most unwelcome leftover of Saddam’s tyranny whose expulsion the Iraqi government deems to be tantamount to a strict counter terrorism measure in a violence afflicted country. Since the fall of Saddam, The Iraqi government has been busy hunting down the remnants of his regime, with whom MKO has been undeniably reported to have established close connection..

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UN Concerned about MKO’s Lack of Subordination

The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Iraq, Martin Kobler, expressed concern about the terrorist Mojahedin-Khalq Organization (MKO)’s resistance against a relocation of its members from its main training base in Camp Ashraf to a transient settlement facility in Camp Liberty around Baghdad…

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French security forces arrest 16 MKO terrorists

several MKO defectors staged a rally in the Saint-Michel square in the southern suburbs of Paris on Friday to voice their resentment at the terrorist activities of the anti-Iran group. They were, however, confronted by a number of MKO members wielding knives, snap-off blade cutters, chains and baseball bats. Police later intervened to contain the violence, detained all 16 MKO members..

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MKO Working Through Senate to Sabotage Iran Diplomacy

Affiliates of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization, are claiming to be behind a major letter from the Senate aimed at curtailing U.S. diplomatic efforts to resolve the Iranian nuclear dispute.The letter, sent last week by forty-four Senators, calls for President Obama to abandon any further diplomatic efforts with Iran..

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State Department urges immediate full cooperation of MKO

The United States remains concerned about the situation at Camp Ashraf and urges the residents of Camp Ashraf to resume full cooperation immediately with the Iraqi Government and United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI). The United States also urges the Iraqi Government to intensify its efforts to fulfill its commitments..

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Iraqi Delegation to Apprise MKO-led crisis

The Iraqi government is reportedly dispatching delegations to Europe to underline facts about MKO’s aka MEK/PMOI clear contravention of law and regulations. The delegation expected to have meetings with politicians and reporters in Geneva and Brussels includes deputies from Iraq’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Justice and Human Rights, police and security departments..

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Al-Qaida group wants off U.S. terror list

There are increasing indications that the anti-Iranian Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization, known as the MEK or MKO, is working with al-Qaida to topple the U.S.-backed Iraqi government, even though it seeks to be removed from the U.S. State Department’s terror list, according to a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

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