The MEK as crisis mongers

Sadrists: MKO and al-Qaeda responsible for Diyala insecurity

Sadrist movement in the Iraqi province Diyala called the MKO terrorist group and al-Qaeda responsible for the for the last two months insecurity in the town of Khalis and urged citizens to cooperate with Iraqi security forces for the establishment of security and peace in the region. ..The Sadrist movement representative in Diyala province also said: “A security conference was recently held in Diyali ..

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Rajavi’s retreat after crisis

The crisis monger of Rajavi’s cult made futile efforts both in propaganda and operational phases to light the fire of protests in Iran. Now, no way is left for Massoud Rajavi but using displacement mechanism to put the blame on others. Addressing his imaginary evidence, MKO’s leader, stuck in his contradictory ideas, represents the ambiguity of the organization’s ideas.

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Report on the MKO attack on the families on Thursday night

… Iran-Interlink did, however, record some film that day, which will be broadcast in due course. This film will first be presented to the UN office, the Iraqi Judiciary and relevant human rights organisations.The knife wielding Mojahed woman has been identified and the families concerned are already in the process of submitting a law suit against her …

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MKO terrorists clashed with Camp Ashraf guards in Diyala

A security source in the Iraqi army reported that elements of MKO terrorist organization clashed around midnight thursday,16th April with the Iraqi security force responsible for guarding the Camp Ashraf, which is mainly located in the province of Diyala.The violent action by members of the Organization ended with the injury of 5 people.

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UK blamed for provoking violence in Iran

… Head of the Middle East Strategy Consultants in the UK, Massoud Khodabandeh, called on British Prime Minister Gordon Brown to stop the MKO from fomenting violence by sending supportive messages to Iran’s opposition movement.”We would expect that you act immediately to prevent the incitement to violence by the terrorist [MKO] from inside the UK,”Khodabandeh, a former MKO member, wrote in a letter to Brown …

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The New Year and the new promise of MKO leader

Regardless of what the Iranian regime’s authorities refer to as the engagement of foreign hands in the recent anti-government riots, for certain the agents that carried the operations have been those who have long announced war and armed struggle against the regime and have proved to be serious in their strategy and can never make any change to turn to peaceful and democratic ways.

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Washington Backed MKO Terrorist group rallies in Paris

The rally took place a day after the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) acknowledged that it played a role in Sunday’s violent anti-government protests in Iran. MKO followers cooperated with the demonstrators and coordinated the protests, the organization’s leader Maryam Rajavi told AFP in Paris on Tuesday…The organization is also notorious for using cult-like tactics against its own members, tactics which include torture and murder of defectors.

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MKO admits involvement in Iran’s protests

The Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) has acknowledged that it played a role in Sunday’s violent anti-government protests in Iran. MKO followers cooperated with the demonstrators and coordinated the protests, the organization’s leader Maryam Rajavi told AFP in Paris on Tuesday..Her comments came after protests in Iran during Sunday’s Shia Muslim ceremonies of Ashura — the anniversary of the martyrdom of the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Imam Hussein (PBUH)..

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MKO misuse a religious occasion

Taking advantage of the occasion as usual, MKO aka MEK/PMOI hijacked the Shia Muslims Ashura event and a number of the group’s provoked and paid thugs tried to disturb the streets in Tehran by chanting anti-regime slogans that resulted in casualties including four deaths. The move was the outcome of a plot to initiate a vast propaganda to demonstrate the current ten-day lasting religious ceremonies in Iran as scenes of nationwide uprising against the regime that reached its climax on its last day…

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