The MEK as crisis mongers

The Iranian Pen Club letter to the France Minister

we wish to express the sincere gratitude of the Iranian Pen Club for your enlightening response to Written Question of Mr. Jean-Pierre Chevènement. ( published in the OJ Senate 10/09/2009 – page 2110 )..We strongly believe despites of MKO had been using the French soiled for their terrorist activities .but because of vast knowledge and experience of French authority of the MKO aka MEK/PMOI terrorist organization for past two decade, that made them the most series elements to prevent expansion of violence and terrorism in France..

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Secrets that may slink out of Ashraf

… Being disarmed, Mojahedin’s alternative for military operation has been an energetic involvement in intelligence activities. Of course, any probe may fail to discover very sophisticated equipment and apparatuses needed for such activities, but the organization’s potentiality easily solves the question of equipment as it has in the past … Testimonies by the ex-members are the best evidences to fathom the organization’s intelligence menace..

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Why American neo-cons support MEK?

so what makes the US politicians like Tom Tancredo, Bob Filner and Raymond Tanter support such a hated destructive cult which is designated as a terrorist group by US Department of State. What makes these terrorists so friendly to create sweet memories for Tom Tancredo that he recalls the story of his trip to Paris and his visit with Maryam Rajavi on two occasions while his speeches in MEK/MKO/PMOI rallies?..American sponsors of MKO are well aware that Mujahedin is very far from popular in Iran

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Argentine Diplomat: MKO Testimony to AMIA Case Unacceptable

Argentina’s Charge D’affaires in Tehran Mario Enrique Quinteros blasted the western media for using the testimonies given by the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) to the case of a 1994 bombing of a Jewish cultural centerin Buenos Aires … The terrorist group joined Saddam’s army during the Iraqi imposed war on Iran (1980-1988) and helped Saddam and killed thousands of Iranian civilians and soldiers during the US-backed Iraqi imposed war on Iran …The MKO was put on the US terror list in 1997 by the then President, Bill Clinton, but since the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, the group has been strongly backed by the Washington Neocons..

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Rioters Confess to MKO’s Leading Role in Iran’s Post-Election Unrests

Some of the rioters arrested during Iran’s post-election unrests confessed to their links with the anti-Iran terrorist group Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), and said that they had received trainings in MKO’s Camp Ashraf in Iraq.”According to the confessions made by those MKO members arrested in recent riots, these people had received trainings in Camp Ashraf to conduct sabotage and terror operations and organized activities (inside Iran),”Deputy Prosecutor-General of Tehran’s public and revolutionary courts

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How cost effective is western support for the MKO ?

Looking at Iran from outside and through the lens of ‘regime change’ has led many western analysts and politicians to a false perception of the country – one based on wishful thinking rather than facts on the ground…the MKO/MEK/PMOI is profoundly unpopular among right thinking Iranians wherever they live and whatever their politics. Indeed in western countries, post-election protestors of all persuasions have angrily and vigorously expelled MKO activists from their demonstrations

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MKO Members among Arrestees in Tehran

The arrestees confessed that they have been guided by some of the ringleaders of MKO in Britain and were ordered to destruct public amenities, including gas stations, buses and Basij barracks. These rioters also confessed that they were trained in Iraq and infiltrated into Iran to make riots. The MKO, whose main stronghold is in Iraq, is blacklisted by much of the international community, including the United States.

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In Iran Crisis, Paris Exile Group Plays Disputed Role

the reality described by Iran experts. Diplomats, academics and intelligence officials say most people inside Iran want nothing to do with the NCRI or its primary member organization, Mujehadine-e-Khalq (MEK) — whose bloody attacks on the Iranian regime in the 1980s and ’90s landed it on the U.S.’s terrorism list. Experts say the NCRI’s support in Iran is now tiny and its international base is shrinking. ..”..the supporters in [Iran] … have all mostly vanished,”says Olivier Roy

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MKO elements arrested in last night riots

A number of MKO terrorist elements who have been trained in Ashraf camp in Iraq and entered Iran in order to carry out terrorist actions were identified and arrested. According to Fars News Agency correspondent a group of MKO terrorist members were arrested during the last night riots while carrying a considerable amount of fire arms.These elements were blindly shooting at the street gatherings and security forces in different parts of the capital.

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MKO footsteps in the recent chaos

Recent information obtained from Paris, London and the UAE reveal that MKO has come under the full mercenary of CIA by providing mental and human resources as well as intelligence help to America’s Central Intelligence Agency so as to play a major joint role in the production of chaos and insecurity inside Iran.

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